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Nina invited me over to meet her father Sam, who was a psychic himself, visiting from Israel. He spoke limited English. We had heard about each other, but had never met. Nina was translating our conversation when the doorbell rang.

“Oh, I lost track of time. I promised to help Ruth with something. Hope you two will be okay without me for ten minutes,” said Nina.

We both continued to visit despite the language barrier. Through this experience, we discovered the energy of language. Vibrations of communication are universal. I was able to understand Sam through energy, as he spoke Arabic, with the odd English words or short sentences thrown in. I could only respond in English. Sam was experiencing the same in reverse.

“Where in my house am I standing?” Sam demanded.

“I don’t know. I can’t do that.” I hesitated unsure of my ability to see across the world. In the past I had unintentionally participated in remote viewing, but I’d never on command.

“Yes you can. Spirit tells me so.” Sam insisted.

“You are in your yard at the side of your house. Your house is a sandstone color. There are two palm trees in the yard. I find the area extremely peaceful.”

Sam’s face lit up with great joy. “See, you did it.”

“That’s where I was. Thirty meters from my door is the cemetery.”

We then decided to read each other. We were exchanging palm readings, unaware Ruth had been observing us from a distance.

“Excuse me, may I join in?” Ruth interrupted.

“Sure,” we said in union.

“Can you look at my palm?” Ruth requested in desperation.

“Yes,” said Sam.

“I’m worried about my health. Is my MS going to get worse?” Ruth handed her palm over to Sam.

“You have a few short years left. Something else will take you.”

Ruth turned to me.

“Is my MS going to worsen?”

I closed my eyes. Ruth’s physical appearance and health was the same as today. She never aged in the vision. This usually indicates death, but I didn’t know why.

“Your MS is going to be like it is today.”

Ruth thanked us and got up to leave. I felt uneasy as Ruth approached her car. Chills went through my body as she drove away.

Six weeks later, a strong presence could be felt lurking in the kitchen. Out of thin air several dimes struck the floor. Next a stack of papers came crashing down off a spotless countertop.

Through causing a disturbance, a distressed soul was attempting to communicate.

This situation was interrupted by an incoming call.

“Laura, do you remember my friend Ruth?” Nina asked in a distraught tone.


“Ruth and her husband Mike were killed in an accident last night. They were hit by a truck. There were no witnesses.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Are you okay?”

As Nina spoke, I could see the truck driver drinking several beers prior to driving. He had been travelling slightly over the speed limit. I chose not to say anything. This would have only upset her more.

“Laura, I can hardly handle this. Ruth and Mike were over visiting us last night. They never made it back home from our place. I can’t believe they’re gone. How are those poor children going to cope with losing both parents? Who’s going to take care of them?”

As she talked, I closed my eyes and went to Spirit. The children were with an elderly couple.

“They will live with their grandparents,” I said.

While consoling Nina, I could feel a strong presence lurking in the kitchen. By evening the disturbances from earlier in the day had ceased. Crawling into bed, I noticed something odd. In the corner of the pink carpeted bedroom floor was a piece of bread.

“What on earth is going on here? Who put this bread on my bedroom floor?

I crawled out of bed to take a better look. The middle of the bread was missing. It looked as if someone had used a heart shaped cookie cutter.

While examining the evidence, I lifted the bread, only to discover the Roman number “II” was etched into the carpet, underneath the bread. In a moment of anxiety, I dropped the bread.

Above the bread a number “two” and the letter “X” were imprinted side by side. Six inches below the bread was a solid heart, drawn into the rug. Another six inches down was the Roman numeral IV slightly tilted to the right.

Immediately I understood the meaning. “Two X” represents the couple killed. A piece of bread represents the bread of life. The hollow heart over the “II” signifies their love for the two children. Solid heart represents the love they shared. Slanted numeral four reflects their fatality minutes before the fourth of the month.

I spent much of the evening in prayer and meditation.

“Spirit, please allow me to meet with the souls, who are leaving these messages. Watch over us, protect us,” I begged.

While sleeping I slipped into astral travel. There was a heavy dense fog, making navigation awkward. Black iron gates and fencing could be seen in the distance. Beyond the gate was a dark ancient style building, with a purple dome. A breathtaking sunrise filled the morning sky.

Finally I arrived at an elegant gate. My main focus was to meet up with the restless souls. This environment was peaceful and inviting, I wanted more. While attempting to step through the gate, an invisible energy forced me backwards through a tunnel. My body jumped with the impact of my arrival.

After this experience, I was unable to sleep. First thing in the morning, I called Nina.

“Hi, how are you doing?” I asked.

“Not so great. I’m going to Ruth and Mike’s funeral this afternoon.”

“Do you have a minute? I have something neat to tell you.”


“I had some unusual spiritual disturbances linked to Ruth and Mike going on yesterday. Last night I had found a very descriptive message in my bedroom. This involved bread and drawings in the rug. Ruth and Mike used bread to symbolize the bread of life. Most of the message reflected love.”

“Last night while sleeping, I astral travelled to the other side. I ended up at the gates of Heaven, for the first time in my life.”

“Did you see them?”

“No, I was pulled away and sent back to my body, while attempting to step through the gate.”

“Can you go back tonight and try to find them?”

“I shouldn’t push the limits after being sent back. I don’t know what the consequences would be.”

“What if there was something else they needed to tell you?”

“They’ll have to leave me a message.”

“If anything else happens, let me know,” said Nina.

“Okay,” I responded.

Later on in the morning, I bumped into Constable Zach, who also knew Ruth.

“Hi, Constable Zach. Did the driver of the truck have enough alcohol in his system to successfully charge him with impaired driving?”

“Who have you been talking to? Who leaked you that information? That’s classified police information.”

“Nobody leaked anything to me.”

“Laura, you have way too much information on this. Who were you talking to? The family doesn’t even know about this.”

“Constable Zach, I swear I didn’t talk to anyone. I’ve been like this since childhood

Journey Into Spirituality

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