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When I my began my first cookbook, The
Laura Lea Balanced Cookbook, I sought out
the opinions and advice of everyone I knew who’d
written a book. While I received a variety of stories,
cautions, and encouragements, there was one shared
sentiment: you’ll never do it again, or you’ll fall in
love—you’ll fall deeply, feverishly in love with the
blood, sweat, tears, and triumphs that make up this
wild journey. And you’ll know you want to write
books as long as you can cobble words together and
find just one person to read them.
I fit effortlessly in the latter camp. Writing my
cookbook was the most exhilarating and exhausting
experience of my life, and I adored every moment of it.
While I am incredibly grateful that my book was well-
received, I know in my bones that I would have written
a second cookbook regardless. Just as I know that I’ll
write a third and a fourth and, Lord willing, more.
Not only does the process itself light me up—the
creating, testing, photographing, typing, deleting,
and typing again—but there’s always so much left
to share. More has changed in the three years since
I wrote my first book than I could possibly begin to
describe. In the birds-eye view picture of my life, yes,
just about everything is different. More importantly,
though, my knowledge of ingredients has expanded,
Focus on whole, fresh foods that make you feel great.
Ditch any preconceived idea of what you should eat,
and listen to your body; it is your best wellness guru.
Indulge in moderation and, occasionally, not in moderation!
Have fun and don’t take yourself or your food too seriously.
Enjoy food in a relaxed atmosphere and in the company of dear ones.
Above all, practice self-love and patience in the kitchen.
It will translate to the rest of your life.