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“But you can’t quit,” Heidi said. “When will I see you?”

“We can meet after school.”

“What happens when you get another job?”

She had me there.

“Can’t you stay a little while longer, until I get used to this ‘stick up for myself’ thing?”

The thought of one more day on that toilet bowl made me cringe, but Heidi looked so vulnerable, I couldn’t say no.

“Okay,” I sighed. “But just for a few more weeks.”

As it turned out, I didn’t even have to stay a few more hours. Because when I walked into the bathroom to report for work, the first thing I saw was SueEllen floating face down in the bathtub.

“SueEllen?” I called out, hoping maybe she was doing some new age water aerobics.

But she didn’t answer.

At first I thought it was an accident; maybe SueEllen slipped in the tub. But then I saw something floating alongside SueEllen’s loofa sponge and triple-milled French soap: A hair dryer. Plugged into an electrical outlet.

SueEllen had been electrocuted!

I managed to keep my cool for a whole three and a half seconds. After which I went screaming down the hallways like an extra in Nightmare on Elm Street….

Killer Blonde

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