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CHAPTER 4 Microaggressions: Implications for Counseling and Psychotherapy CHAPTER OBJECTIVES
Оглавление1 Define and describe microaggressions.
2 Differentiate between the intentions (by the aggressor) and the impact (on the victim) of microaggressions.
3 Understand the harmful psychological impact of microaggressions on marginalized groups.
4 Describe the four psychological dynamics involved in microaggressions.
5 Apply knowledge of microaggressions to understanding the therapeutic process and client/counselor dynamics.
6 Define “microinterventions” and discuss how they are used to disarm microaggressions.
Full Counseling Session video (Part I): “Microaggressions in Counseling” (features “Marilyn” and “Al”)
Jaylen, an African American male
It gets so tiring, you know. It sucks you dry. People don't trust you. From the moment I [Black Man] wake up, I know stepping out the door, that it will be the same, day after day. The bus can be packed, but no one will sit next to you… . I guess it may be a good thing because you always get more room, no one crowds you. You get served last … when they serve you, they have this phony smile and just want to get rid of you… . you have to show more ID to cash a check, you turn on the TV and there you always see someone like you, being handcuffed and jailed. They look like you and sometimes you begin to think it is you! You are a plague! You try to hold it in, but sometimes you lose it. Explaining doesn't help. They don't want to hear. Even when they ask, ‘Why do you have a chip on your shoulder?’ Shit … I just walk away now. It doesn't do any good explaining. (Sue, 2010, p. 87)