Читать книгу Counseling the Culturally Diverse - Laura Smith L. - Страница 115
ОглавлениеWhen a microaggression occurs, the recipient is often placed in an unenviable position of having to decide what to do. Numerous questions are likely to go through their mind: Did that really happen? If it did, how can I possibly prove it. How should I respond? Will it do any good if I bring it to the attention of the perpetrator? If I do, will it affect my relationship with the perpetrator and other onlookers? Many well‐intentioned perpetrators are unaware of the exhausting nature of these internal questions, as they sap the spiritual and psychic energy of victims. For Jaylen, dealing with microaggressions is emotionally draining and toll may be feelings of hopelessness, futility, and depression.
In essence, the Catch‐22 experienced by targets can be stated, “You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.” For targets, choosing to respond to microaggressions may have detrimental consequences. The person may be labeled a “trouble‐maker,” isolated, and in the case of Jaylen, be seen as the “angry Black man,” overly sensitive and even paranoid. For Melanie to confront the senior faculty member may lead to punitive actions, not being promoted and tenured in future decisions. On the other hand, choosing not to respond may result in self‐flagellation, internal rumination, disappointment in the self, self‐blame, feelings of disempowerment and self‐betrayal, and low self‐esteem (Sue, Alsaidi, Awad, Glaeser, Calle, & Mendez, 2019).