Читать книгу Counseling the Culturally Diverse - Laura Smith L. - Страница 20
ОглавлениеHow often do well‐intentioned helping professional engage in implicit biases toward clients of color?
41–83% of clients of color report at least experiencing one racial microaggression in therapy.
The most common forms of microaggressions were avoidance or minimization of cultural issues.
76% of the microaggressions experienced were never addressed in the sessions.
<50% of therapists could even recognize microaggressions.
Clients of color rated therapists who commit microaggressions or are unable to recognize them as less sensitive, less culturally competent, and less attuned to cultural issues.
The unconscious bias of helping professionals prevents or ruptures therapeutic alliances.
Source: Owen, Tao, and Drinane (2019).