Читать книгу Counseling the Culturally Diverse - Laura Smith L. - Страница 40
Оглавление1 What are your thoughts and feelings about the counseling encounter between Dr. D. and Gabriella?
2 Do you think that Dr. D. demonstrated cultural awareness? Is this an example of “good counseling”? If not, why not?
3 When Gabriella described her episodes as ataques, do you know what she meant?
4 What are the potential counseling and cultural issues in this case?
5 Is it important for the counselor to know what the song “Booty” is about?
6 When the parents suggest that their daughter might be a “fetish,” what could they possibly mean? Is it important?
7 What images of Latinas exist in our society? How might they affect Gabriella's relationship with Russell?
8 If you were the counselor, how would you have handled the situation?
Culturally competent care has become a major force in the helping professions (American Psychological Association, 2017; CACREP, 2015; Ratts, Singh et al., 2015). The therapy session between Dr. D. and Gabriella illustrates the importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in mental health practice. There is a marked worldview difference between the White therapist and the Latina client. In many respects, these beliefs tend to overlook the importance of race and culture in the therapeutic setting. Let us briefly explore these factors in analyzing the preceding transcript.