Читать книгу The Path Redefined - Lauren Maillian Bias - Страница 18


FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF YEARS, I have been practicing a very important skill: taking control of my own voice. It’s far too easy to lose your voice when you’re living in the shadow of someone else or the name of your behemoth Fortune 500 company. And it’s even more frustrating when your hard-earned recognition and accomplishments are lost in the shadow of your business partner or colleague. No one knows what you’ve accomplished if you don’t own it in some way. Don’t shy away from taking credit when credit is due. Own your contributions, own your voice, and own your success.

I’ve worked really hard on owning my voice and it’s so important for you—man or woman, young or old, accomplished or not—to do, too. We were put on this earth to own our voice, to own how people perceive us, and to own the track records that we develop for ourselves, no matter how many stops and starts there may be along the way. And while even today I take on more than I should at times, I never say “yes” to anything that I don’t have a genuine interest in, or a project that I won’t be able to be “all in.”

The Path Redefined

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