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Praise for Lauren Maillian Bias

“Lauren is wildly forthright but not to a fault. People don’t seem to communicate in normal language anymore; everything is shrouded in jargon and verbal jostling for control. But Lauren simply says things and asks you if you’re guilty of the above. It’s a refreshing trait that helps her get to the heart of the matter.

Lauren is candid, passionate, curious, skeptical, and committed.”

—Jaime Prieto, President, Global Brand Management, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide

“[Lauren] makes legitimate, lasting connections with people—anyone who has met [her] remembers a real conversation with [her]—and [she is] fantastic at remembering those connections with others.”

—Erin M. Fuller, President of Coulter and former President of the Alliance of Women in Media Foundation

“When I first met Lauren I was impressed with her freshness and exuberance for life. You could tell right away, she meant business and was there to make her presence felt.”

—Donna Williams, Chief Audience Development Officer, the Metropolitan Museum of Art

“Lauren is fiercely focused and graceful. She combines an open and honest approach to her relationships (which is rare) with an attention to detail and quality that few possess. Most of all, however, she is resilient, in the truest sense of the word. She is able to adapt and persevere in the face of whatever life deals her, and maintain her sense of dignity and grace through whatever circumstance.”

—Caroline Ghosn, Founder and CEO, Levo League

“[Lauren] approaches every situation with a solution … and with mounds of energy!”

—Morin Oluwole, Chief of Staff to VP, Global Marketing Solutions, Facebook

“I loved [Lauren’s] drive and tenacity, which wasn’t a commonality with teenagers I knew. [Lauren] began to intern with us and was exceptionally capable. I knew then she was a leader, not a follower. She had an energy that was intriguing. Little did Lauren know, her presence inspired me. The girl did not know what the word “no” meant. If she wanted something, she went after it and got it.

—Rachel Noerdlinger, President of Communications and Public Relations, Noerdlinger Media, and Chief of Staff to the First Lady of New York City, Chirlane McCray

The Path Redefined

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