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ESSIE PAUSED AT the foot of the stairs leading to the VIP booths, dragging Ash to an abrupt halt. His brow dipped and he faced her, clasping both her hands between them.

‘Second thoughts?’ He cupped her cheek, pushing back wild wisps of hair from her hot face.

It’s just sex. Fun.

She fought the wave of trembles that doused her from head to toe and shook her head, and then tilted it in the direction of the bouncer guarding the upper balcony.

‘Lucas said we had a VIP booth.’ She caught her lip between her teeth. Her breath stalled as she waited for Ash to get on the same page. Every inch of her craved him. Slickness coated her inner thighs, her core clenched in anticipation and her nipples chafed against her dress with every rapid breath she took. She’d never make it back to the hotel before flinging herself on him and demanding what he’d held out on for so long.

‘I’ve never experienced sex in a public place... That could be...fun.’ She tilted her head, her fluttering heart knocking against her ribs. They’d either consummate this new agreement in the back of the limo Ash had hired to drive them to and from the club tonight, or they’d do it here, in the privacy of the VIP area of this chic, sophisticated club. She held her breath. When had she become such a risk-taking exhibitionist? What was he doing to her, this sexy but closed-off man, who at first glance seemed to have it all?

Ash’s eyes scorched her. ‘You want me to fuck you here? Upstairs?’

She nibbled the inside of her cheek, her flush hopefully hidden by the alternating dim and flash of neon lights. He’d suggested she broaden her horizons, something that worked for her out-of-control libido. What better way to build on the success of her first one-night stand? Keep things playful and risqué. Embrace the heady sense of power she earned from their no-strings encounters. If she focussed on the sex, she wouldn’t think about anything else. Her doubts, her past, her bad decisions.

She nodded, her belly twisting with delicious spasms.

Ash’s stare bored into hers while he clearly mulled over her suggestion. This bold, uninhibited demand was so unlike her. But this was what he did to her, what he brought out in her. And what she hoped like hell he’d embrace. She’d been turned on all day, all week. It was his fault—time to atone.

Because right now she barely recognised the wanton woman he drew out. Hormones raged through her. She pressed her thighs together to ease the persistent thrum of her clit.

Ash scooped his arm around her shoulders, nodded briefly to the bouncer manning the foot of the stairs and escorted a tingling-from-head-to-toe Essie to the upper balcony.

Essie tottered alongside his determined strides, grateful he, too, saw the merits and timeliness of her risqué plan.

At the top of the stairs, he swooped on her, hauling her up with an arm around her waist and his hot and greedy mouth, demanding an uninhibited kiss. Essie clung, losing herself to the thrusting power of his tongue sliding over hers and his strong arms banded around her back, connecting them from shoulder to thigh. Her head spun. This was happening.

Ash released her. ‘You sure about this?’

She nodded, too turned on for speech. And too enthralled for doubts.

He strode ahead, tugging her behind. Now they’d established the ground rules, he was all action. Thank goodness. She didn’t want to have to resort to begging and pawing at him. So tacky.

The balcony overlooked the writhing mass of bodies on the dance floor below. To the left was a row of discreet curtained-off booths, each lined with low, banquette-style sofas and featuring an LED illuminated coffee table. Ash led the way to the last booth in the row, the one closest to what Essie guessed was a door leading to a fire escape.

Adrenaline slammed through her, shunting energy to every part of her body until her pulse thrummed right down to her fingertips. Her senses heightened, her skin buzzing under the glide of fabric, the music vibrating through the floor and into her bones and her vision eclipsed by the virile, determined man in front of her.

Ash tugged her by the hand and flicked the gossamer curtains closed behind them. If someone came close enough, they’d see through the filmy barrier. But the angle from the ground floor provided sufficient privacy to keep Essie invested in her reckless, spur-of-the-moment idea.

He kept hold of her hand, his body close, taut with energy.

‘You’re astounding, do you know that?’ He scanned her features with heated eyes.

She shook her head, her throat hot. If he didn’t touch her soon, or allow her to touch him, she’d disintegrate into a million pieces.

He flared his nostrils, sucking in a breath, and then said, ‘Take your underwear off.’ A husky command. He held up his hand, palm flat, waiting for her offering. If that was his lawyer voice...he probably sealed every deal he touched.

Essie’s blood turned to melted wax. Ignoring the liquidity of her limbs, she tilted her head, eyebrows arched. Who knew she housed such a perverse streak? He couldn’t get his way all the time, even when his demands benefited her.

‘You’re a long way from Kansas, counsellor.’ But she obliged, because this daring tryst had been her idea. No time for coyness now, not when she was finally getting what she’d craved since the day after she’d met him, when she’d foolishly raised the stakes with her secret scribblings about Illegally Hot. Time to be all in, or get the hell out of Dodge.

She braced herself steady with one hand on Ash’s forearm, while she shimmied her panties down her thighs and then stepped out of them, one foot at a time.

Holding his self-satisfied stare, she dropped her damp thong in the centre of his palm, with as seductive a smile as she could manage. Why deny the effect he had on her? That he’d agreed to this told her he was equally affected.

Whatever else they were, physically they worked.

Ash glanced at the lace and then grinned, tucking it inside the back pocket of his jeans. With one tug he brought their chests and thighs and mouths back together.

‘You—’ he cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers, eyes open, bold stare pinning her immobile ‘—have been driving me out of my mind for days.’ He took her hand and pressed it to the steely length of him, guiding her to stroke him through his jeans, his hand over hers.

‘I could say the same about you.’ He was rock hard. She squeezed her thighs together, seeking a modicum of relief.

‘With the exception of this rather unorthodox and public time, we’ll be taking this slow. I intend to get my fill of you. To taste every part of you, over and over until neither of us can walk.’

‘Another new experience. I can’t wait.’ Essie clung to him, her eyes just shy of rolling back. ‘I thought you’d never break.’ She looped her arms around his neck and tugged his mouth down to hers once more as she pushed him backwards towards the low upholstered seats lining the booth.

Through kisses, she fumbled with the button fly on his jeans until she’d freed his thick erection behind. He hissed, his hand covering hers to still her frantic fingers.

‘This time, it’s your rodeo.’ He cupped her breast through the fine silk of her halter dress, his thumb stroking the nipple to a hard peak. ‘Next time, and the multiple times after that, will be my way. Understood?’

She nodded, ready to promise anything to get what she wanted—him, inside her, losing his phenomenal control.

Ash fished a condom from his pocket with a wry twist of his mouth.

‘I was a Boy Scout.’ He handed the foil square to Essie and sat back on the banquette, his arms stretched along the back and his stare flitting between her bare legs, her pebbled nipples and her face.

Essie’s mouth filled with saliva. He was hers to play with. Sprawled out beneath her, hard, ready and willing.

Forcing herself to sidle slowly with a seductive sway of her hips, rather than bound onto his lap with embarrassing eagerness as was her natural inclination, she sauntered close until her thighs slotted between his, which were spread wide, the prod of his manhood rising above his open fly.

Essie placed the condom on the seat next to him and lifted her dress above her knees. When his gaze left hers to follow the path of the hem, she slowed the progress down, enjoying the way air gusted from his nose with every rise and fall of his broad, sculpted chest.

As payback for torturing her with his impressive stamina, she stopped just short of showing him everything, instinct telling her Ash was a man who always got what he wanted in the end. She might as well draw out the anticipation. Keep him on his toes. Drip-feed him, until he snapped and took what he wanted.

With her thighs bracketing his, she straddled his lap, rising up on her knees to force his head back on the cushion so she could kiss him the way she’d longed to since this morning.

She traced his lips with hers and then repeated her path with the tip of her tongue. She cupped his face and angled his head so she could deepen the kiss—a tangle and slide of tongues that left them both panting for air.

He groaned and his arms left the back of the sofa, one banding around her waist to hold her close and the other sliding up her thigh until his fingers delved between her spread legs.

He hissed. ‘Fuck, you’re soaking.’ His fingers probed her entrance from behind while his mouth settled hot and demanding over one taut nipple.

‘Yes. It’s your fault.’ A whimper caught in her throat as he sucked hard through the silky fabric and then scraped with his teeth.

She released her hold on his hair to untie the straps of her dress, which were knotted behind her neck. She wanted him skin to skin. To feel his sexy day-old stubble scrape her nerve endings alive.

He obliged. With an impatient tug, he followed her lead and pulled the top of her dress down until both her aching, heavy breasts spilled free.

He cupped one, his hot stare tracing her while his thumb tortured the nipple again and again with rough swipes. ‘So pretty.’ Then he swooped, his mouth covering the glowing bud with long sucks and flutters from his talented tongue.

Essie dropped her head back, too strung out to hold in the moan of delight his fingers inside her and his mouth laving her breast unleashed.

He pulled back. ‘You’re going to have to stay quiet. We don’t want visitors.’

Stay quiet? Was he aware how good he made her feel? She didn’t give a damn if the whole of Paris rocked up with popcorn and opera glasses. But she didn’t want him to stop, so she bit down on her bottom lip and focussed on the silvery wallpaper behind his head to battle the strong sensations he was thrusting upon her willing, eager body.

Essie cradled his head as he leaned in for another taste, but this time fiery jolts of electricity slashed from her nipple to her core.


She tugged at the hem of his T-shirt and collapsed forward so her face was buried in his divine-smelling neck. After two or three impatient tugs on his shirt hem, Ash released her flesh and between them they removed his shirt with hurried jerks.

Ash tossed it aside while Essie just stared at him up close.

Despite the time he spent behind a desk or in a boardroom, he somehow maintained the ripped physique now laid out for her. She spread her fingers wide as her hands glided over the smooth tanned skin of his torso and tangled in the thatch of dark hair covering his pecs.

His fingers clutched the fabric at her hips, releasing and then gripping again while she took her time exploring him. She kissed a path down his neck, the stubble scraping at her sensitive lips.

A strip of black hair ran from below his navel and disappeared into his boxers, which were tented with his ready erection. As if she had been jump-started, she flew into action. She grabbed the condom and tore into it. Ash, equally eager, shimmied his jeans and boxers lower down his hips, releasing his cock, which bobbed on his hard, grooved belly.

Essie licked her lips. She wanted to taste every inch of him. But the clock was ticking. And if she didn’t get him inside her soon, she’d burst from sexual frustration.

He grinned. ‘Later.’ His voice was so low, he sounded like a stranger. In many ways, all the important ways, he was. But just like the first time, she wanted him anyway.

‘Don’t worry.’ He grinned. ‘I want to eat you, too.’

She’d been right about the oral skills—she couldn’t wait. She rolled the condom over the hard length of him, her movements hindered by the inferno burning her up from inside and his constant fondling of her breasts and rolling of her nipples between his fingers and thumbs.

And then she rose up over him, gripping him between her legs and angling him back towards her entrance. Ash shuffled his hips under her and she braced one hand on his shoulder while between them they guided him inside.

She sank, stretched and filled to perfection so a cry escaped. Ash covered her mouth with one hand, a reminder of their public location. Although the expression on his face—his bunched jaw, his flared nostrils, his hooded eyes—told her he, too, struggled to contain the intense bite of pleasure.

This was what she’d craved since she’d walked into his office that fateful morning. His surrender to this flammable chemistry that rendered her helpless. She wasn’t alone—confirmation was etched into the harsh planes of his taut features.

With his hand still clamped over her mouth, Essie began to move, rocking back and forth on his lap. The angle rubbed her in the perfect spot and she picked up the pace, bouncing on his lap with renewed energy, delivering what they both craved.

Ash settled back and gripped her hips, allowing her to dictate the angle and depth of penetration. But he didn’t lay idle for long. One hand cupped her breast, tweaking and pulling her nipple until lightning snaked across her belly. The other hand delved between their bodies until the pad of his thumb settled over her neglected clit, strumming and circling.

‘Yes,’ she half hissed, half whispered. No way could she stay completely silent, not when he lay sprawled beneath her looking sexier than any sight she’d ever seen. And not when he filled and stroked her with sublime perfection.

When he started thrusting up from below, each blow accompanied by a harsh grunt while his big hands held her hips firm to hit the same spot over and over again, she lost all strength in her upper body and collapsed forward. Her hands clasped his sweat-slicked chest and her hair formed partial curtains before her face.

‘Damn, you’re tight. You clutch me just right.’

She whimpered, his verbal encouragement, his deep thrusts and his thumb back on her clit working a unique brand of magic over her body.

She gasped, flinging her wild hair back over her shoulders, her neck arched.

‘That’s it, ride me.’ He panted out, his gruff commands low but no less insistent. ‘I’m going to make you come so hard.’

With one last swipe of her clit and three rapid-fire thrusts of his hips, she climaxed, her whole body tense as she fluttered and clenched around him. Her cries bounced off the walls, but they were both past caring.

He sat up, buried his face between her breasts and clutched her to him with breaking force as he convulsed and groaned out his own climax.

Essie swallowed past her dry throat, gripping his shoulders while the spasms petered out and her heart slowed.

The sheen of cooling sweat stuck their clammy chests together. Essie caught her breath at last. ‘Well, that was fun.’ She buried her nose in his hair, stifling a giggle.

He kissed her breastbone, between her breasts.

‘Hell, yeah, it was.’

She cracked up, taking him along with her.

The Dare Collection: June 2018

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