Читать книгу The Dare Collection January 2020 - Lauren Hawkeye, A.C. Arthur - Страница 18



HIS HANDS SLID under my butt and he picked me up as though I weighed nothing. I wrapped my legs around his lean waist, pressing my throbbing clit against the hard ridge of his cock. The friction sent glittering sparks of pleasure scattering through me, making me shiver.

His mouth was hot and insistent on mine as he carried me to the door, his tongue exploring me unhurriedly, as if he had all the time in the world.

I couldn’t believe how desperate I was for him yet again.

I’d only kissed him to shut him up, so he wouldn’t keep asking me questions. Because I’d run out of answers to give him.

He’d guessed why I was here, which had shocked me more than it should have. I suppose I hadn’t thought he’d be interested enough to think about why I’d been in his office and what I was doing, but it seemed I was wrong.

He’d also said he wasn’t going to call the police, and that had surprised me too, though I’d decided not to question it too closely, going in for a kiss instead.

I’d still been intent on seducing the hell out of him, and maybe escaping once he’d fallen asleep, but the way he was kissing me now, it was clear I was the one being seduced.

His mouth on mine was hot, his kiss rich and dark, decadent as chocolate cake. And it was difficult to process anything while I was plastered against his rock-hard body, the heat of it burning me alive in the most delicious way.

He didn’t break the kiss, not even to lock the office door behind us as he stepped out into the hallway.

The beat of the music was loud out here and I heard someone shout his name. He ignored it, kissing me deeper, nipping on my bottom lip as he strode down the hall with me.

I wound my arms around his neck, arching against him, everything fading away under the heat of his mouth and the feel of his hands beneath me, his spicy masculine scent and the hard body I was wrapped around.

The hard body I wanted to run my fingers all over, kiss and lick, rub myself against.

I’d never wanted to touch a man before. Now I literally couldn’t think of wanting to do anything else.

He came to a door and opened it, kicking it shut behind him.

Another large room, the sound of the party falling away as the door closed. I didn’t pay any attention, too busy kissing him back as he strode over to the massive bed situated beneath huge windows that looked out over the cityscape. He put me down on the edge of the mattress and stepped back. That big, muscular body was inches away, the black cotton of his shirt giving a hint of the hard musculature beneath it. He’d left the top couple of buttons undone, giving me a close-up glimpse of those tattoos, the colours bright.

I lifted my hands, desperate to touch him, but he gently circled my wrists with long, strong fingers, holding me away.

‘Uh-huh,’ he murmured. ‘I need to lay a few ground rules first.’

‘Ground rules?’ I echoed blankly. ‘What ground rules?’

His eyes glinted in the darkness. ‘Like I told you before, I’m not into misunderstandings, and I’m not into reading a woman’s mind. You tell me what you want, what you like, and you tell me straight.’

I flushed. I wasn’t used to frank discussions about anything, let alone sex. And that wasn’t even going into the fact that I had no idea what I liked and what I didn’t.

Couldn’t he just screw me like a normal man?

I pulled against his hold. ‘Do we really have to have this discussion right now?’

His fingers tightened, keeping me still, but he smiled, warm and intimate. ‘Yeah, we really do.’

‘Why? It’s none of your business.’

‘Sure it’s my business.’ His mouth quirked and I found myself watching it. God, it really was the most perfect I’d ever seen. Full lower lip, beautifully carved top lip. And the way it curved at the ends... ‘If you have a crappy time, it screws with my reputation, and I can’t have that.’

Damn it. I had been hoping for less conversation, not more, because I didn’t want to make myself memorable to him in any way, and I’d bet that the presence of my virginity might end up doing just that. He probably didn’t encounter many virgins at his parties and that would make me stand out.

He’s going to guess. He’s not stupid.

Pity. And, even worse, he was observant too; while that felt good, it also presented a difficulty I hadn’t anticipated. Because it meant he could read me. Most people ignored me, but not him.

I forced down my irritation. Perhaps a few half-truths would be enough. ‘Well, we can’t have your reputation being screwed with, can we?’ I said, trying and failing to hide my sarcasm.

His eyes narrowed and he let go one of my wrists, his warm hand cupping my jaw instead, his fingers hot against my skin. ‘This isn’t a joke, Sugar. I’m serious. When I fuck a woman, I want her to enjoy it, and if she doesn’t enjoy it then I don’t either, understand me? I don’t waste my time on crappy sex.’

‘You didn’t seem to want to have a conversation before.’ I tried not to lean into the warmth of his hand.

‘Yeah, but you had your mouth wrapped around my dick.’ Wickedness glinted in his eyes. ‘So I was thinking of other things.’

I put my hand on his chest, feeling the solid strength and heat of him. ‘Well, I liked everything you did back in your office.’

He watched me, trying to read me. ‘You ever fuck a man you didn’t know before?’

A flush crept up my neck, making my cheeks burn. Clearly nothing was going to happen until we’d discussed his ‘ground rules’.

‘No,’ I said, attempting not to sound sulky.

‘Didn’t think so.’ His thumb found the line of my jaw, stroking gently. ‘Which makes talking about it even more important. Because you don’t know me, and I don’t know you.’

What he was saying made sense. Good sense. But I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to have to tell him a single thing if I didn’t have to and, now I’d got a sense for this physical chemistry between us, I was starting to think that I didn’t have to. Not if I played this right.

I turned my head, nuzzling into his palm, brushing my mouth over it. He stilled, so I kept going, kissing his wrist, his strong, steady pulse against my lips. And then I leaned forward until I’d closed the distance, pressing my mouth to his.

His fingers tangled in my hair, gripping me and pulling me back. ‘Sugar—’

‘I’d like it if you took off your clothes,’ I interrupted breathlessly, hoping that would shut him up.

For a second I thought it wasn’t going to work, danger glittering in his eyes as he studied me. Then abruptly the sharp glitter faded, a slow-burning smile curving his mouth. ‘There, that wasn’t hard, was it?’ He let me go and stood back, shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it over a nearby armchair, before taking off his shoes too. Then he began to undo the buttons of his black shirt.

My breath caught, relief mixing with my building hunger, unable to take my eyes off him.

He took it slow, as though this was a strip show he was putting on just for me, undoing each button, the fabric of his shirt parting little by little to reveal skin and ink in a gradual tease.

My mouth went dry and I had to curl my fingers into my palms to stop myself from reaching for him.

By the time he got to the last few buttons, I could hardly contain myself.

And then there were no more buttons and he was shrugging off the shirt, leaving him in only the suit trousers that sat low on his lean hips.

Light from the city outside painted his skin, drawing attention to the chiselled lines of his pecs and abs, and the Japanese-style tattoo that covered his chest, left shoulder and crawled down his left arm. Against a background of ornate fish scales in beautifully shaded blacks and greys, a brilliantly coloured dragon coiled amongst delicate flowers. The piece was as glorious as he was.

He dropped a hand to the waistband of his trousers, flicking open the button and then easing down the zip. Then he was shoving the fabric down along with his boxers, getting rid of them so he was finally, gloriously naked.

I shivered, my gaze falling to his lean hips and powerful thighs, to the proud jut of his long, thick cock.

He was so very beautiful I couldn’t stand it.

Desperate to touch, I moved to the end of the bed, kneeling upright on the mattress, reaching out to brush my fingertips over his chest, feeling the hardness of his muscles and the burning heat of his skin. He didn’t move, letting me explore, letting me brush one of his nipples with my fingertip.

Him being naked while I was dressed should have made me feel more in control, but it didn’t. His nakedness only highlighted his raw sexuality, sheer physical strength and power and the mega-watt burn of his charisma. And how much all those things made me his slave.

‘Don’t think I’m going to forget that you didn’t answer me properly.’ His voice was a low purr as I stroked him with a shaking finger, liquid honey and black velvet all rolled into one. ‘Which means you have two choices. One, you let me take charge. Two, you have to ask me for everything you want.’

I didn’t want to have to ask him. I didn’t want to have to give anything away. Which left me with only one choice.

‘The...first one,’ I murmured, tracing the head of the dragon over his pec, not wanting to look at him.

But he pressed my palm flat to his chest while his other hand slid along my jaw, his fingers in my hair as he tugged my head back until I met his tarnished-silver gaze.

‘Say it,’ he ordered softly. ‘I want the words so we both know what’s happening here.’

I swallowed. ‘I want you to be in charge.’

The expression on his beautiful face didn’t change. ‘You know what that means, don’t you? That you’re going to have to trust me.’

Something inside me yawned wide. Trust? Seriously? How could I do that? The only person I’d ever trusted in my life was Mr Chen and he was dead.

But he must have seen my uncertainty, because he added, ‘Just with your body and your pleasure. That’s all.’

Oh. Well. That I could do. He’d given me so much pleasure already, it was an easy choice to make. ‘Yes, I trust you,’ I said thickly.

‘Okay, then.’ The tension around his beautiful mouth eased and one corner of it curled wickedly. ‘Time for you to get naked.’

He released me and reached for my uniform before I could move, pulling it up and over my head, leaving me kneeling on the mattress in nothing but my underwear. Then he slid one hand behind me and flicked open the catch of my bra in an easy, practised movement. I caught my breath as the fabric fell away, and then again as he crouched in front of me, his hands going to my hips to ease my knickers off. The fabric slid down and I moved so he could pull it off me, and then he stepped back, leaving me naked on the bed.

For a second neither of us moved and I could hear my own accelerated breathing, loud and fast. His gaze ran over me, the heat climbing, becoming molten.

Then he got onto the bed with all the lithe grace of a panther, picking me up as if I weighed nothing and taking me back down onto the mattress, pinning me beneath him, his body hot as a furnace.

Shivering, I wrapped my legs around his waist, arching into him, desperate to get close. I’d forgotten about the necklace, about my client, about Mr Chen. About staying unnoticed and unseen. About keeping him from asking questions I didn’t want to answer.

All that was important was the contact of his body against mine and how, the more he touched me, the less like a ghost I felt. As if he was drawing me into the world and making me a part of it.

Perhaps I should have found that scary, but I didn’t. Right now, right here, I craved it.

He kissed me, lightly at first, teasing and seductive, biting and nipping, before deepening the kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth as his body pressed me down onto the cool sheets.

He’d taken control completely, and I didn’t care as I slid my hands down his back, glorying in the steel beneath his skin, the lithe power of his body and all that leashed, coiled strength.

God, he was so hot.

I tightened my legs around him, rubbing up against the hard ridge that pressed between my thighs, feeling the metal of the ring in his cock scrape deliciously over my sensitive skin. I groaned at the sensation while he gave a low, breathless laugh. ‘Greedy girl,’ he murmured against my neck. ‘Stop that.’

‘Why?’ I tried to do it again, but he held me down.

‘Because if you don’t stop rubbing that gorgeous pussy all over me this’ll be over before we even get started.’ He gripped me then rolled us both over, so he was lying on his back and I was on top of him. Then he pushed himself up the bed until he was leaning against the headboard, long and muscular, bronze skin and coloured ink. A big, powerful sexy man, tattooed and gorgeous.

I leaned forward, my palms on his hot chest, tilting my hips against the steel bar of his cock pressed between us. ‘Come on,’ I ordered, unable to contain my frustration. ‘I want you.’

His smile ignited something demanding deep inside me. ‘I love that you’re so into me, Sugar. But I’m in charge remember? And right now, I just want to look at you.’

‘What? Again?’

He laughed and a flush of pleasure rose the length of my body, making my growing frustration even worse. ‘Yes, again.’

It was weird, feeling this impatient, given patience was one of the things I’d learned early on in my line of work. Watching and waiting was part of a successful mission.

Yet I didn’t want to watch and wait now. I wanted him to get on with it.

‘Please,’ I murmured, brushing my lips against his.

‘Patience.’ Keeping one hand on my hip, he leaned over to the bedside table, rummaging around in it. Drawing out a handful of small colourful packets, he straightened up and held them out in his palm. ‘Pick a colour.’

They were condoms. Obviously.

My hand shook as I picked out a blue one at random and he dumped the rest on the bed beside us. Then he made me sit down across his thighs as he lay back, ripping open the packet and taking out the condom.

I watched, fascinated, as he deftly rolled the latex over his cock and the piercing, and my half-formed fears of it somehow tearing the condom died a death. He knew what he was doing; of course he did.

Once that was done, he stared at me and this time he didn’t smile. His eyes were molten and there was a tightness to his jaw.

Something gathered in the air between us, a tense, burning thing.

‘Ready?’ Threads of darkness ran through his beautiful voice, quicksilver glinting in his gaze.

‘Yes,’ I said aloud, my voice so thick, it didn’t even sound like mine.

He urged me close, gripping his cock in one hand, and then he was nudging the entrance to my body. I shivered, my breath catching. His face was inches from mine, the look in his eyes shockingly intense.

I trembled, my body tensing despite my best intentions, waiting for the thrust. But it didn’t come. Instead, he rubbed the head of his dick through the folds of my sex, a gentle sliding sensation that made me gasp. I could feel the metal of the ring pressing lightly against my clit, the hardness of it striking sparks of intense pleasure along every nerve-ending I had.

‘Oh... God...’ I breathed shakily, curling my fingers into the firm muscle of his chest. ‘What...are you doing?’

He put a hand on my hip, holding me down. ‘Getting you off.’

‘I know but...’ The ring pressed lightly on my clit again and I jerked, gasping, electric pleasure searing me. ‘I want... I want...’

‘What do you want?’ He growled the words, demanding. ‘Tell me.’

I was panting again, unable to stop, my hips moving against his hold as he tormented me, the heat of his body and the musky scent of fully aroused male like a drug. ‘You,’ I gasped. ‘I want you.’

‘Then take me.’ The molten silver of his eyes held me fast. ‘Put my dick inside you.’

I didn’t think about how I hadn’t done this before. I didn’t even think about how I was going to hide my inexperience from him. Operating entirely on instinct, I reached down, sliding my fingers around his thick shaft, then I positioned myself and guided him into me without any hesitation at all.

It didn’t hurt. It didn’t even sting. There was just an intense stretching sensation and an unfamiliar feeling of fullness that had me panting and trembling uncontrollably. Were all men this big or was it just him?

His jaw was tight, the glitter of his eyes like silver flames. ‘You okay?’

‘Uh...yeah...’ I managed to force out.

‘Good.’ His hand on my hip gentled and he slid his other hand to the small of my back, pressing lightly, encouraging me to arch my spine. ‘Take me deeper, Sugar.’

And I did, groaning at the intensity of the sensation. When I was finally sitting down on him, his cock deep inside me, all I could do was sit there shaking, my hands pressed to his chest, trying to breathe through the pressure.

His body was tense and I knew he was holding himself back. But he didn’t move. Instead, he stroked my back with one of his warm hands, up and down, while with the other he cupped my breast, circling his thumb over my nipple, gently teasing it.

The combination of soothing strokes and white-hot bursts of pleasure was confusing yet erotic as hell. And I found myself forgetting about the pressure of him inside me, leaning back and arching into his hand.

He pinched my nipple lightly and I gasped, flexing my hips, wanting to move, but he remained still, stroking my back unhurriedly as he toyed with my breast.

‘You...c-can move now,’ I stuttered breathlessly. ‘Please.’

‘Not yet.’ His voice was full of lazy heat, as if he could sit there doing this all night. ‘Remember who’s in charge.’

‘But I—’

‘I know. I want to get you off again first.’

‘You already did before.’

‘So?’ He pinched my nipple again, harder, making me groan. ‘One orgasm doesn’t make an orgy. A woman gets to come as many times as she likes; that’s your super-power. And it’s a fucking crime to waste it.’

I stared up at him, exquisitely conscious of him stretched long and thick inside me. Of his body like a furnace against me, smooth skin, hard muscle and iron strength. His gaze searched mine, looking at me as though I was a new language he wanted to learn or a puzzle he wanted to solve.

I liked that, even though I knew I shouldn’t.

Still staring at me, he dropped his hand from my breast down to where we were joined, stroking my clit lightly with one finger. I shook as the pleasure of it licked up my spine, and the hand he had in the small of my back firmed, keeping me there. Then he took one of my hands from his chest and drew it down between us. ‘Put my fingers on your clit. Show me how you like it.’

I was shaking now, unable to think. All I wanted was more of what he’d already given me, so I took his hand and put those warm fingers on my sex, the pressure against my clit. And I showed him, rubbing up and down lightly, tantalisingly, letting the pleasure flood through me.

He didn’t take his gaze from mine as I used his fingers, watching me with such focus it felt as though I was at the centre of his universe. That nothing was more important for him right now than what I was showing him.

‘Fuck, you’re hot,’ he murmured in that dark, purring voice. ‘Keep your eyes on me. I want to watch you come again.’

I could feel his body beneath mine tensing up, but he didn’t move, continuing to hold himself back. And I wanted to push him, drive him as crazy as he was driving me, so I pressed his fingers to my slippery flesh, showing him how I liked it, hard then soft, light then firm, drawing it out until I was gasping and trembling.

‘Come all over my fingers, Sugar,’ he whispered. ‘Do it.’

And I did, my control slipping away, the pleasure washing over me, a deep, strong wave that had me moaning, holding his fingers hard against me as the orgasm caught me up and held me fast.

I was still shuddering through it when he wrapped an arm around my waist and turned us over, so I was lying beneath him and he was still buried deep inside me.

‘I’m going to fuck you now.’ He leaned over me. ‘If it gets too much, tell me to stop.’

‘Okay,’ I croaked, the breath going out of my lungs as his weight settled on me. But, God, he felt good. He was big and hot inside me, and over me too.

Putting one hand on my hip to keep me in place, he reached up with the other and gripped the ornate wooden headboard. Then he drew his hips back in a long, slow glide before pushing forward, again long and slow, using the headboard as leverage.

I gasped and shuddered at the sensation, the aftershocks I was already feeling intensifying, spilling over into yet more, almost unbearable, pleasure.

He thrust again, looking down at me as he moved, his biceps flexing as he gripped the headboard. Going deeper, harder.

‘Yes,’ I whispered raggedly. ‘Yes... God...

His eyes were pure silver and he wasn’t smiling now, his jaw tight, the expression on his face burning.

I stared back, unable to look away as the pleasure rolled over me, irresistible, unstoppable. The pressure in combination with the intense way he was looking at me was agonising, yet I didn’t want him to stop.

I never wanted him to stop.

I put my hands on his lean hips, his skin hot under my palms, and arched my spine, moving with him, watching the pleasure burn in his eyes.

‘Look at you,’ he purred like a big, lazy cat. ‘Look at you, all beautiful and perfect.’ He drove inside me harder, deeper, searching my face, looking at me as if I was a fabulous new piece of jewellery he wanted to acquire. ‘Who are you? Give me your name.’

I groaned, arching beneath him as another climax threatened. Another one; God! What was this man doing to me?

He adjusted his angle slightly, as if he knew exactly what was going through my head, and suddenly I was shaking and gasping as the pleasure exploded through my body without warning.

He let go of the headboard and gathered me up in his arms, holding me as I shuddered, my face turned into his neck. ‘Thea,’ I said hoarsely against his skin, giving him a gift for all the pleasure he’d given me. ‘My name is Thea.’

His arms around me tightened and he thrust once more, hard and deep, and groaned into my hair, his big body shuddering as the orgasm came for him too. ‘Hi, Thea,’ he whispered after a moment, his voice ragged. ‘I’m Damian.’

The Dare Collection January 2020

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