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I kept a low profile, stayed outta Lois’s path for a day or two, but in the end she come to my door.

‘Guess we better clear the air? she said.

She came in and I made coffee. It was hard, though, trying to talk normal with her, after what I had seen.

‘Peg,’ she said, ‘I know it didn’t look good …’

I said, ‘I didn’t want to get involved, Lo.’

‘No,’ she said. ‘Well, I figured it would have been Audrey’s idea, snooping around, checking up on me. Thing is, you know, sometimes things happen that shouldn’t … but it was the only time. I swear.’

I said, ‘I don’t wanna talk about it.’

‘Me neither,’ she said. ‘So that’s that.’

‘Yup,’ I said.

She said, ‘You do believe me?’

‘Of course,’ I said. I lied.

‘So we’re friends again. Clean slate?’

‘Sure,’ I said. ‘Clean slate.’

‘Great!’ she said. ‘So you coming to Betty’s tomorrow night? We’re gonna have a pyjama party for my birthday. Booze, records, everything. Crystal can sleep over.’

Vern and Ed and Herb were starting three weeks of night missions. Okey was on assignment, Norway or some place we weren’t meant to know about.

I said, ‘How about Audrey?’

‘Yeah. She’s up for it,’ she said. ‘We declared a ceasefire. She’s bringing potato chips.’

The Future Homemakers of America

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