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CHAPTER 1 Beginnings of Modern Yoga Therapy


The origins of the philosophical and metaphysical teachings of yoga lie in a timeless history that is said to have originated in Hiranyagarbha, the causal germ plasm itself. This transcultural art and science of humanity grew from the roots of the traditional pan-Indian culture and way of life (Sanatana dharma), with a detailed codification presented by the great sage Patanjali through his Yoga Darshana, said to have been written more than 2500 years ago.

Today, yoga has become popular as a modality helping people to alleviate their physical, mental, and emotional imbalances. It is interesting to note that yoga as such was never meant to be a healing modality—yoga’s goal for a human being is to reach enlightenment, or union of one’s individual consciousness with Universal Consciousness. Yoga helps unify all aspects of our very being: the physical body, in which we live our daily life; the energy body, without which we will not have the capacity to do what we do; the mind body, which enables us to do our tasks with mindfulness; the higher intellect, which gives us clarity; and finally, the universal body, which gives us limitless bliss.

Yoga Therapy as a Whole-Person Approach to Health

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