Читать книгу The Christmas Secret - Lee Mckenzie - Страница 2


“Is something wrong?”

“Everything’s fine. That’ll be fun. The birthday, I mean. Um …” Sam had to know. “When is it?”

“December fifteenth.”

Sam struggled to stay calm, even though the date knocked the breath out of her. Of all the bizarre coincidences, William and her son—both of AJ’s sons—were born on the same day. There was no longer any doubt that he’d been sleeping with her and William’s mother at the same time. Still, for his wife to have a baby on the same day she did … it was crazy.

What if …?

You’re the one who’s crazy. There’s no way William is your son.

Unless … had AJ found out she was pregnant?

Snippets of recent events flashed through her mind. AJ had been reluctant to take them into the kitchen that first day, when Will was out in the yard. He was awkward and edgy when she and Will were in the same room together. Was it because he felt guilty for cheating on his wife? Or was it something even more underhanded?

The Christmas Secret

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