1016. Isa ŋ táo ŋ may birtùd naŋ usà.Table of Contents | 16. A man who had the power of a deer.Table of Contents |
Mínsan sa isa ŋ báyan sa kapuluà-ŋ-Filipínas ay náhayàg aŋ paŋálan naŋ isa ŋ táo sa kanya ŋ maŋa kababáyan at maŋa kápit-báyan, dahilàn sa hindí karanyúwa ŋ lakàs nya sa pagtakbò at pagluksò. | In a certain town in the Philippine Islands there once became celebrated the name of a certain man, both among his fellow-townsmen and the people of the neighboring towns, on account of his unusual strength in running and jumping. |
15Sya y isa ŋ táo ŋ hindí mayábaŋ, dátapuwat may kauntì ŋ talíno sa paghahánap at gayon dìn may kauntì ŋ tápaŋ. Aŋ kanya ŋ hindí karanyúwa ŋ kapaláran ay hindí nya ipinagmayabàŋ ní hindí nya ipinagkayilàʾ kuŋ anò aŋ pinaŋgàgalíŋan naŋ kanyà ŋ dí karanyúwa ŋ lakàs. Sinábi nya sa maŋà mapagusísaʾ 20na aŋ pinaŋgàgalíŋan naŋ kanya ŋ lakàs ay aŋ aŋkìn niya ŋ birtùd naŋ usà. Hindí nya sinábe kuŋ papáno aŋ pagkápasa kanyà naŋ birtùd na iyòn, dátapuwat siya y hindí marámot sa pagbibigày-loòb úpaŋ ikatúluŋ niya sa maŋà kakilála o hindìʾ aŋ kanya ŋ lakàs. | He was not a proud man, but he had some astuteness in money matters and also some courage. He did not let his rare good fortune make him proud, nor did he lie about the source of his unusual strength. He told those who were curious that the source of his strength was the power of the deer which he had made his own. He did not tell how this power had come into his possession, but he was not stingy about doing favors by helping with his strength both friends and strangers. |
25Sya y may pagíbig na yumáman, gáya naŋ karamíhan naŋ táo, at díto nya ginámit aŋ kanya ŋ lakàs. Paráti sya ŋ nakìkipagtakbúhan, at aŋ maŋa takbúha ŋ itò y lágì na ŋ pinagkatalunàn naŋ marámi ŋ salapèʾ. Sya ay lágì na ŋ may malakì ŋ pustà. Walá sya ŋ itináŋì na pinakìkipagtakbuhàn. Kuŋ mìnsan 30nakìkipagtakbúhan sya sa kápwa táo, kuŋ mínsan ay sa kabáyo, sa áso, at sa iba pà ŋ háyop na matúli ŋ tumakbò. | Like most people, he wanted to get rich, and it was toward this end that he used his strength. He often entered into races, and these races were always means of winning much money. He always made large bets. He refused no one that wanted to race with him. Sometimes he ran races with people, sometimes with horses, with dogs, and with other animals that are fast at running. |
Pagkaraàn naŋ ila ŋ áraw ay dumámi aŋ naípon nya ŋ salapìʾ na pinanalúnan sa pustáhan. Gayon dìn aŋ kanya ŋ maŋa kaybígan na nagsipustà sa kanyà ay nagkaroòn naŋ marámi ŋ kwàlta. 35Naŋ màpagaláman naŋ maŋa táo na syà y may birtùd naŋ usà ay hindí na sya íbig labánan sa takbúhan. Dáhil díto y úpaŋ hwag máhintoʾ aŋ kanya ŋ pananálo at pagkíta naŋ kwaltà, ay nagbíbigay syà naŋ malalakì ŋ palúgit sa kanya ŋ kinàkalában. Dáhil sa kalakhàn naŋ maŋa palúgit na ibinigay nyà ay marámi 40rì ŋ táo ŋ lumában sa kanyà. Dátapuwat tuwí nà y sya aŋ nagìŋ mànanalò. Gayon dìn sa maŋa pakikipagluksúhan paráti nà ŋ syà aŋ nanànálo. | After a few days the money he had won in bets made up a large sum. His friends also, who had bet on him, got much money. When people came to know that he had the power of a deer, they did not want to run against him. Therefore, so as not to stop winning and making money, he gave large handicaps to his opponents. The handicaps which he gave were so great that many people contended with him. Still he always came out the winner. In jumping-matches also he was always victorious. |
Dátapuwat, kuŋ malaki màn aŋ kabutíha ŋ nàkamtan nyà sa birtùd na ytò, ay máy-ron dì ŋ ilà ŋ kahirápan na nàkamtan 5nyà dahilan díto. Dahilan dìn sa kahirápa ŋ itò ay hindí nya natagalà ŋ aŋkinìn hábaŋ búhay nya aŋ birtùd na iyòn. Dahilàn sa birtùd na iyòn sya y nagìŋ lubhà ŋ magugulatìn. Aŋ maŋa kalabòg, íŋay, at tahòl naŋ áso kuŋ gabì ay hindí nagpatúlug sa kanyà. Dahilàn sa maŋa íŋay na yitò, kuŋ natùtúlug sya ay 10palági ŋ nàpàpaluksò. Lálù na, kuŋ isa ŋ tahòl naŋ áso, halimbáwaʾ, aŋ makàgísiŋ sa kanyà, sya y nàpàpaluksò naŋ lubhà ŋ mataàs sa kanyà ŋ hihigàn, at bágo sya pagsa-ulàn naŋ saríle, ay nagtàtatakbò na syà. Sa pagluksu nyà ŋ itò na hindí sinásadyaʾ ay walá sya ŋ nagígiŋ pagiíŋat at karanyúwa y umáabot 15syà sa ituktòk naŋ bubuŋàn, at sa kababáan nitò y lági ŋ nalálamog aŋ kanya ŋ katawàn o kayà y nagkàkabúkul syà sa úlo, dahilàn sa pagkáhampas nyà sa bubuŋàn. Gayon dìn sa kanya ŋ hindí sinásadya ŋ pagtakbò pagkágisiŋ nyà dahilàn sa pagkàgúlat, ay nagkàkaumpòg-umpòg aŋ boò ŋ katawan nyà sa maŋa 20dindìŋ naŋ kanya ŋ báhay. | However, though the advantages which he gained through this power were great, yet there were also some disadvantages which he obtained through it. On account of these disadvantages he did not manage to keep this power as his own through all his life. Through this power he had become very nervous. The sounds of falling bodies, noises, and the barking of dogs at night, did not allow him to sleep. These noises often made him start up with a jump from his sleep. Especially when the barking of a dog, for instance, woke him up, he jumped high up from his bed, and before he recovered his wits he was running at full speed. He could exercise no care about his involuntary jumping up and usually went way up to the ceiling, and, since this was low, his body got full of bruises and his head full of bumps from striking against the ceiling. Likewise in his unintentional running whenever he woke up with a start, his whole body got knocked again and again against the walls of his house. |
Itò y isà ŋ mahírap na tìísin, at inakálà nya ŋ hindí sya mabùbúhay nà ŋ malwàt dahilàn sa hindí pagkàkatúlog kuŋ gabì. Kanyá inakálà nya ŋ itápon aŋ birtùd na ytò pagkaraàn naŋ ilà ŋ áraw. Naŋ sumápit aŋ ikapitù ŋ áraw naŋ kanya ŋ pagaáreʾ 25sa birtùd ay sya y lubhà ŋ hirap nà at inakálà nya ŋ sya y mamámatay nà sa hírap. Aŋ úlu nya ay bukulàn. Aŋ mukhá nya ay marámi ŋ pasàʾ at káhit na hindí sya nabalían naŋ butò, aŋ maŋa lamàn namàn nya ay lubhà ŋ lamòg. | This was hard to bear, and he thought that he should not live long, what with not sleeping of nights. Therefore he decided to get rid of this power in a few days. When the seventh day of his possession of the power came, he was very sore and thought he should die of soreness. His head was covered with bumps. His face was full of black and blue marks, and though he had broken no bones, his muscles were badly bruised. |
Dáhil díto y walà ŋ kibú sya ŋ naparoòn sa isa ŋ páraŋ at 30itinápon nya doòn aŋ birtùd na nàpúlut nya, yámaŋ marámi na rìn lámaŋ siya ŋ salapì ŋ pinanalúnan. | Therefore, without saying a word, he went to a forest and there abandoned the power which he had got hold of, seeing that he had already won much money. |
17. Aŋ alíla ŋ uŋgòʾ.Table of Contents | 17. The pet monkey.Table of Contents |
Siy Andrès ay máy-roo ŋ isa ŋ alíla ŋ uŋgò na kanyà ŋ lubhà ŋ minámahàl, sapagkàt aŋ uŋgu ŋ itò y nagbíbigay sa kanyà naŋ 35malakì ŋ serbísyo. Kuŋ gabì ipinaglàlátag sya naŋ banìg naŋ uŋgo ŋ itò; kuŋ umága ay iniháhandàʾ aŋ kanyà ŋ paŋhilámos, at aŋ ano mà ŋ kanya ŋ iyútos ay sinúsunod naŋ uŋgòʾ. | Andrés had a pet monkey which he prized very highly, because this monkey gave him much service. At night the monkey spread out his sleeping-mat for him; in the morning it handed him his water for washing, and whatever order he gave was obeyed by the monkey. |
Gabì-gabì aŋ uŋgu ŋ itò y natùtúlog sa ilálim naŋ kátri ŋ tinùtulúgan naŋ kanya ŋ paŋinoòn. Itò y hindí gustò naŋ kanya 40ŋ paŋinoòn, sapagkàt, dahilàn sa kanya ŋ malakì ŋ kabuluhàn, ay íbig ni Andrès na syà y bigyàn naŋ isa ŋ mabúte ŋ lugàr na tulugàn. Dátapuwat, káhit na gánu ŋ pagpílit aŋ gawìn ni Andrès, ay hindí nya mapatúlog sa ibà ŋ lugàr aŋ kanya ŋ alíla ŋ uŋgòʾ. | Every night this monkey slept underneath the bedstead on which its master slept. This was not pleasing to the latter, for owing to its great value, Andrés wanted to give it a good place to sleep in. However, no matter what efforts Andrés made to force it, his pet monkey could not be brought to sleep in any other place. |
Siy Andrès ay isa ŋ táwu ŋ may tákot at pagíbig sa Dyòs. 5Kanyá gabi-gabì bágu sya matúlog ay nagkúkurus syà at tumàtáwag sya sa Dyòs. Sa óras naŋ kanya ŋ paghigà gabi-gabì ay dinàratnan nà nyà na nása ilálim naŋ kanya ŋ kátri aŋ uŋgòʾ. Mínsan màn ay hindí sya náuna sa paghigàʾ sa uŋgu ŋ itò. | Andrés was a man who feared and loved God. Therefore, every night, before he went to sleep, he made the Sign of the Cross and called upon God. At his bed-time every night he found that his monkey was already under his bedstead. Not once did he get ahead of the monkey in going to bed. |
Isa ŋ áraw aŋ párì sa báyan ay dumálaw kay Andrès sa 10kanya ŋ báhay. Pagkaraàn naŋ ilà ŋ sandalì ŋ pagsasàlitáan ay ibinalítà niy Andrès sa páreʾ na sya y máy-roo ŋ isà ŋ alíla ŋ uŋgò na lubhà ŋ malakì aŋ kabuluhàn, sapagkàt sya y pinagsìsilbihà ŋ mabúte, at káhit na anò aŋ iyútos nya ay sinúsunod, at sinábi pa nyà ŋ masípag pa káy sa maŋa iba nyà ŋ alílaʾ aŋ uŋgo 15ŋ iyòn. | One day the priest of the town visited Andrés in his house. After some time had elapsed in conversation, Andrés told the priest that he had a pet monkey which was very useful, because it served him well and obeyed his every command, and he also said that this monkey was more diligent than his other servants. |
Malakì aŋ nagìŋ pagtatakà naŋ páreʾ, at hiniliŋ nyà ŋ ipakíta sa kanyà aŋ uŋgò ŋ iyòn. Kanyá tináwag ny Andrès aŋ uŋgòʾ. Hindí gáya naŋ dáti, na sa isà ŋ táwag lámaŋ niy Andrès ay lumàlápit agad-agàd aŋ uŋgòʾ, ŋayòn makása-m-pu ŋ táwag 20nà ay walá pa syà. Siy Andrès ay nagálit, nagtindìg, at hinánap nya sa maŋa sulok-sulòk naŋ báhay aŋ uŋgòʾ. | The priest was much surprised and asked that the monkey be shown to him. So Andrés called the monkey. Usually the monkey came at once at a single call by Andrés, but on this occasion it did not appear even when he had called ten times. Andrés got angry, arose, and looked for the monkey in the nooks and corners of the house. |
Ito y nàkíta nya sa isa ŋ súlok at nakakápit na mabúte sa isa ŋ halíge. Tináwag nya at kanya ŋ pinaáalis sa súlok, dátapuwat aŋ uŋgò y áyaw umalìs doòn, káhit na anò aŋ gawìn sa 25kanyà. Dáhil díto ay tináwag nya aŋ páreʾ, úpaŋ itò y doòn tiŋnàn sa súlok aŋ alílà nya ŋ uŋgòʾ. | He found it in a corner, clinging tightly to a post. He called it and tried to get it out of the corner, but the monkey would not come away, no matter what Andrés did to it. Therefore he called the priest to look at his pet monkey there in the corner. |
Pagkálapit naŋ páreʾ aŋ uŋgò y kuminìg sa tákot. Nagkaroòn naŋ hinálà aŋ párèʾ na aŋ uŋgù ŋ iyòn ay isà ŋ dimónyo. Kanyàʾ aŋ ginawá nya y nagkurùs sya at pagkabendisyòn nya naŋ kauntì 30ŋ túbig ay niwisikàn nya aŋ uŋgòʾ. | At the approach of the priest the monkey trembled with fear. The priest conceived the suspicion that this monkey was an evil spirit. So he made the Sign of the Cross, and blessing a little water, sprinkled it over the monkey. |
Pagdápoʾ sa katawàn nitò naŋ túbig ay pumutòk na pára ŋ isa ŋ barìl, at sa lugàr naŋ uŋgòʾ ay walá silà ŋ nàkíta kuŋ hindí asu lámaŋ na agàd nawalàʾ. | When the water struck the latter’s body, there was a report like that of a gun, and in the place of the monkey they saw only some smoke, which soon disappeared. |
Pagkaraàn nitò siniyásat naŋ páre si Andrès tuŋkùl sa kanya 35ŋ paniniwála sa Diyòs. Sinábi ny Andrès na hindí nabàbágo aŋ matíbay nya ŋ paniniwálaʾ at gabi-gabì nagdádasal syà bágo matúlog. Siniyásat dìn naŋ páreʾ kuŋ saàn tumùtúlog aŋ uŋgòʾ. Sinábe ni Andrès na itò y tumúlog gabi-gabì sa ilàlim naŋ kanyà ŋ kátri ŋ tulugàn. | Thereupon the priest questioned Andrés concerning his faith in God. Andrés said that his firm faith had not changed and that he prayed every night before going to sleep. The priest then asked where the monkey used to sleep. Andrés answered that it slept every night under his bedstead. |
40Pagkaraàn nitò y ipinakilála sa kanyà naŋ páreʾ na aŋ uŋgù ŋ iyòn ay isà ŋ dimónyo na umáabàŋ sa kanyà, at kuŋ syà y sumála naŋ pagtáwag sa Diyòs bágu matúlog, sa gabì di ŋ iyòn ay ihùhúlug sya naŋ dimónyo sa infyèrno. | Thereupon the priest informed him that this monkey was an evil spirit which had been lying in wait for him, and that if he had ever failed to call upon God before he went to sleep, on that very night the evil spirit would have thrown him into Hell. |
18. Aŋ matandá sa punsò sa liwánag naŋ áraw.Table of Contents | 18. The old man of the ant-hill by light of day.Table of Contents |
Si Pédro ay isà ŋ matápaŋ na laláke. Paráti sya ŋ nakárinig naŋ maŋa kwènto tuŋkùl sa asuwàŋ, duwèndi, maŋkukúlam, at maŋà matandá sa punsò, dátapuwat aŋ ipinagtátakà ni Pédro 5ay kuŋ bákit hindí sya makátagpo nì káhit isà naŋ maŋà bágay na itò. Íbig niya ŋ makàkíta naŋ isa man lámaŋ sa kanilà, úpaŋ màláman nya kuŋ túnay ŋàʾ na silà y máy-roo ŋ maŋa kapaŋyaríha ŋ hindí karanyúwan sa karamíhan naŋ táo. | Pedro was a brave man. He had often heard stories about vampires, dwarves, sorcerers, and old men of the ant-hill, but what made Pedro wonder was why he had never chanced to meet even a single one of these creatures. He wanted to get a sight of at least one of them, so that he might know whether it was true that they had powers not common to most persons. |
Sya y naglálakàd na isa ŋ gabì sa isà ŋ lugàr na madilìm 10at pinagkàkatakutàn, sapagkàt díto y marámi ŋ nakàkíta naŋ matandá sa punsò. | One night he walked about in a dark and haunted place, because he had heard that many people had there seen an old man of the ant-hill. |
Aŋ tabáko naŋ matanda ŋ itò y nakatàtákot aŋ lakì, at kuŋ itò y hititin nyà aŋ liwánag na naŋyàyári ay pára ŋ liwánag naŋ isà ŋ sigàʾ. | The cigar of such an old man is of terrifying size, and when he draws at it, the light given forth is like the light of a bonfire. |
15Sa gabi ŋ iyòn sa kanyà ŋ paglalakàd maláyù pa syà y nakàkíta na syà naŋ isà ŋ liyàb. Aŋ buhuk nyà y nagsitindìg at inakálà nya ŋ bumalìk, dátapuwat nàpigílan nya aŋ kanyà ŋ tákot at ipinatúloy din nyà aŋ kanya ŋ paglákad. | On this night he had gone some distance on his ramble, when he saw a flare of light. His hair stood on end and he thought of going back, but he overcame his fear and continued on his walk. |
Sya y sinalúboŋ naŋ nagtàtabáko. Pagkálapit nya y inanínaw 20nya aŋ katawàn naŋ matandà ŋ iyòn, dátapuwat hindí rin nasyahàn aŋ kanya ŋ pagsisyásat, kanya iníbig nya ŋ màkíta sa síkat naŋ áraw aŋ matandà ŋ iyòn. Úpaŋ itù y maŋyári dápat nya ŋ pigílin aŋ matandàʾ, sapagkàt aŋ maŋa ispíritu ŋ itò ay bumábalik sa kanilà ŋ tàhánan sa impyèrno o iba pa mà ŋ lugàr 25sa paglápit naŋ umága. | He was met by the smoker. When he approached, Pedro examined the old man’s figure, but as he did not succeed in gratifying his curiosity, he was taken with the desire of seeing the old man by daylight. To bring this about, he would have to hold the old man fast, for these spirits return to their abode in Hell or some other place of the kind as soon as morning comes. |
Kanyàʾ aŋ ginawá nya y hinawákan nya agàd aŋ matandàʾ. Ito y nakipagbunò sa kanyà. Kuŋ mínsan sya y nása ilálim, kuŋ mínsan sya y nása ibábaw, dátapwat hindí nya pinakawalàn aŋ matandàʾ. Mahigpìt na mahigpìt aŋ kanya ŋ kápit at tinalaga 30nyà ŋ sumáma káhit na saàn sya dalhìn naŋ matandà kuŋ itò y malakàs káy sa kanyà. | Therefore what he did was suddenly to seize hold of the old man. The latter began to wrestle with him. Sometimes Pedro was below, sometimes he was on top, but he did not let go of the old man. He held him as tightly as possible and made up his mind that he would follow no matter where the old man bore him, should the latter prove stronger than he. |
Silà y nagbunò haŋgàŋ alastrès. Si Pédro sa óras na itò ay pagòd na pagod nà at malakì aŋ paŋlalatàʾ, dátapuwat hindí rin nya binitáwan aŋ kanyà ŋ kabunòʾ. Naŋ magàalaskwàtru nà ay 35naglubày naŋ pagkílos aŋ kanya ŋ háwak. Naŋ makaraàn aŋ kalaháti-ŋ-óras aŋ sínag naŋ áraw ay nagumpisa nà naŋ pagtaŋlàw sa kanilà, dátapuwat hindí pa rìn lubhà ŋ maliwánag úpaŋ màpagkilála ni Pédro kuŋ anò aŋ kanyà ŋ táŋan. Naŋ dumatìŋ aŋ alasìŋko ay malaki nyà ŋ pagkámaŋhaʾ, naŋ màkíta 40nya ŋ sya y nààákap sa isà ŋ halígi ŋ hindí lubhà ŋ mataàs káy sa kanyà, dátapuwat nàtùtúlus sa lúpà at sunòg na sunòg. | They wrestled till three o’clock. By this time Pedro was as tired as can be and ready to sink to the ground, but he did not let go of his fellow-wrestler. When four o’clock came his opponent ceased to move. When another half hour had passed, the rays of the sun began to fall upon them, but it was not yet light enough for Pedro to make out what sort of thing it was he had hold of. When five o’clock came, he was greatly surprised to see that he was embracing a post which was not much higher than he. It was, however, firmly fixed in the ground and completely charred. |
19. Aŋ tiyának ni Hwàn.Table of Contents | 19. Juan’s goblin.Table of Contents |
Isa ŋ gabè si Hwàn ay tumawìd sa ílog sa kanya ŋ paglilibòt. Naŋ sya y nása pasígan pa lámaŋ, nakáramdam syà naŋ sábuy naŋ buháŋin sa kanya ŋ likòd, naŋ sya y mátuntuŋ nà sa 5kabuhaŋínan. Naŋ úna ŋ gabè itò y hindí nya ininò. Naŋ ikalawà ŋ gabè, naŋ magdaàn sya ŋ ulè sa pasíga ŋ itò, nakáramdam sya ŋ mulí naŋ sábuy naŋ buháŋin sa kanya ŋ likòd. Inakálà nya ŋ subúkan at hulíhin aŋ nagsàsábuy sa kanyà naŋ buháŋin, kanyàʾ sa 10kanya ŋ paglákad ay pamínsan-mínsan sya ŋ pumìpíhit na pabiglàʾ sa kanya ŋ likuràn, dátapwat walá sya ŋ màkíta káhit na anò. | One night Juan while rambling about, crossed a river. While he was still on the bank and just walking on the sandy beach, he felt some sand being showered on his back. He thought he would watch for the person who was throwing sand on him and catch him, so, while walking, he kept turning suddenly right about at short intervals, but he saw nothing. |
Dáhil díto y siniglàn siya naŋ kaunti ŋ tákot at inakálà nya ŋ baká kuŋ anù ŋ matandá sa punsò o tiyának aŋ kanya ŋ nàkàkatúŋo. 15Kanyáʾ tinulínan nya aŋ pagtakbò, dátapuwat hábaŋ nagtùtúlin sya ay lálu namà ŋ dumádalas aŋ pagdápù naŋ buháŋin sa kanya ŋ likòd. Lumakì aŋ kanya ŋ tákot at dáhil díto y bumalik syà sa kanya ŋ báhay na patakbò naŋ úbus-lakàs. | This frightened him a little, and he began to wonder if he was not perhaps dealing with some old man of the ant-hill or some goblin. Therefore he hastened his running, but the faster he went, the more frequent grew the striking of sand on his back. His fear increased and he returned home running with all his might. |
Naŋ dumatìŋ sya doòn ay hinàhábul nya aŋ kanya ŋ hiniŋà 20at hindí sya makaúsap. Naŋ sya y makapaghiŋa nà naŋ kauntèʾ ay saká pa lámaŋ sya nakasagòt sa marámi ŋ maŋa tanòŋ naŋ kanya ŋ amà at iba pà ŋ kasa-ŋ-bahày. Sinábi nya sa kanya ŋ amà na sya y sinùsundàn naŋ maŋa dwènde sa kanya ŋ paglalakàd at sinàsabúyan sya naŋ buháŋin. | When he got there he was out of breath and unable to speak. It was only when he had rested a while that he was able to answer the many questions of his father and the other members of the household. He told his father that he had been pursued by dwarves on his walk and showered with sand. |
25Itinanòŋ naŋ kanya ŋ amà kuŋ saàn aŋ lugàr na iyòn at sinábi nya ŋ sa pasígan naŋ ílog. Aŋ kanya ŋ amà ay nápahalakhàk naŋ táwa at sinábi nya ŋ iyòn ay hindí dwènde, dátapuwat aŋ kanyà lámaŋ paà aŋ nagtátaŋày naŋ buháŋin sa kanya ŋ likòd sa báwat kanya ŋ paghakbàŋ. | His father asked him where the scene of this was, and he said on the bank of the river. His father burst into peals of laughter and said that these were no dwarves, but only his own feet, which sent the sand up on his back at every stride he made. |
30Dátapuwat si Hwàn ay áyaw maniwálaʾ at máy ila ŋ áraw na hindí sya nanáog naŋ báhay. Dáhil díto y iníbig naŋ kanya ŋ amà na màipakilála sa kanyà aŋ katotohánan naŋ kanya ŋ sinábe, at isa ŋ gabè ay sinábi nya kay Hwàn na sya y magpasyàl at magdaàn sa lugàr di ŋ iyòn at sya y kanyà ŋ sàsamáhan. | But Juan refused to believe this, and for several days he did not leave the house. His father therefore wanted to show him the truth of what he had said, so one night he told Juan to go for a walk to that same place, and he would accompany him. |
35Pumáyag si Hwàn at sila ŋ dalawà y naparoòn sa pasígan. Naŋ dumatìŋ na sila doòn ay nagpahúle aŋ ama ni Hwàn. Naŋ itu namàn ay naglálakad nà sa kabuhaŋínan at naŋ sya y nakáramdam naŋ sábuy naŋ buháŋin sa likòd, siniglàn sya ŋ mulí naŋ tákot at isinigàw nya sa kanya ŋ amà na nagumpisa nà naŋ 40pagsábuy naŋ buháŋin sa kanya ŋ likòd. | Juan consented and they both went to the river-bank. When they got there, Juan’s father dropped behind. When Juan walked on the sandy beach and felt the sprinkling of sand on his back, he was again filled with terror and shouted to his father that they were already starting to throw sand on his back. |
Pinabalìk nya si Hwàn at kanya ŋ pinalákad na mulèʾ. Ŋayòn ay sinùsundan nyà sa likuràn. Dáhil díto y nàkíta naŋ ama ni Hwàn na twì ŋ sya y háhakbàŋ aŋ sinélas na soòt nya ay nagtátaŋày naŋ buháŋin, at sa pagaalsà nitò naŋ paà aŋ buháŋi ŋ taŋày ay napàpasábuy sa likòd ni Hwàn. | He made Juan come back and walk on again. This time he followed at his back. Accordingly Juan’s father saw that every time Juan took a step, the sandals he was wearing carried along some sand, and when he raised his foot the sand thus carried along was sprinkled on his back. |
Aŋ ginawá naŋ kanya ŋ amà ay ipinaalìs aŋ soòt nya ŋ 5sinélas at pinalákad sya ŋ mulìʾ. Ŋayòn, káhit na gáno kaláyoʾ aŋ lakáran ni Hwàn ay walá na sya ŋ nàràramdamà ŋ sábuy naŋ buháŋin sa kanya ŋ likòd. | His father now had him take off the sandals he was wearing and made him walk on again. This time, no matter how much ground Juan walked over, he felt no scattering of sand on his back. |
Mulá noon ay nawalàn sya naŋ tákot sa maŋa matandàʾ, duwènde, asuwàŋ, at iba pà ŋ pinagkàkatakutàn. | From this time on he had no more fear of old men, dwarves, vampires, and other spooks. |
1020. Si Hwà ŋ maŋlilígaw.Table of Contents | 20. Juan the suitor.Table of Contents |
Aŋ dalága ŋ si Maryà ay balíta naŋ gandà sa kanya ŋ báriyo. Dátapuwat walà ŋ maŋlilígaw sa kanyà, líban na lámaŋ kay Hwàn. Ŋúnit aŋ amà ni Maryà ay malakì aŋ pagkáayaw kay Hwàn. Hindí màkaúsap ni Hwàn aŋ nilìligáwan kuŋ hindí palihìm, 15sapagkàt pag nàláman naŋ amà ni Maryà, itò y sinàsaktan silà kápwaʾ sa pamamagítan naŋ pamálòʾ. Kuŋ mìnsan at malakì aŋ gálit naŋ amà ay bambò aŋ ginàgámit nya kay Hwàn, at sa ganitò y malápit sya ŋ mabalían naŋ butò káylan man at sila y màhúli sa paguúsap. | Young Maria was famed for beauty in her district. She had no suitors, however, except only Juan. But Maria’s father had a great dislike for Juan. Juan could converse with the girl he was courting only in secret, for when Maria’s father knew of it, he would punish them both with his stick. Sometimes, when the father’s anger was great, he used a club on Juan, so that he was in danger of getting his bones broken whenever they were caught talking together. |
20Isa ŋ gabì ŋ madilìm aŋ amà ni Mariyà ay naglibòt. Naŋ itò y màláman ni Hwàn pinarunàn nya si Mariyà úpaŋ kausápin. Nalibàŋ sila sa paguúsap, kanyá sila y dinatnàn naŋ amà ni Maryà sa kanya ŋ pagwèʾ. | One dark night Maria’s father had gone out. When Juan found this out, he went to Maria’s to talk with her. They forgot themselves in their conversation, and so were surprised by Maria’s father on his return. |
Siniglàn sya agàd naŋ gálit at pasigàw nya ŋ kinaúsap si 25Hwàn: “Anu kà, salbáhe? Sinábi ku nà sa iyò ŋ hwag kà ŋ tútuntoŋ díto sa áki ŋ pamamáhay. Ano aŋ íbig mo t nàrìrito kà?” | He was at once filled with anger and in a loud voice addressed Juan: “What do you want, you brute? I’ve told you not to set foot in my house here. What do you mean by coming here?” |
At pagkasábe nitò y sinuŋgabàn nya aŋ isa ŋ bisìg naŋ kawáyan at inakmaàn nya ŋ bambuhìn si Hwàn. Sa malaki ŋ tákot 30nitò ay nagtalòn sya sa bintánàʾ, dátapuwat sinundàn din syà naŋ amà. Kanyá aŋ ginawá nya y tumakbò sya naŋ úbus-lakàs. | And when he had said this he seized a bamboo cane and made ready to give Juan a caning. In his terror the latter jumped out of the window, but he was followed by the father. So he took to running with all his might. |
Aŋ gabì ay madilìm na pára ŋ úliŋ, at hindí nya màtumpakàn kuŋ saàn aŋ parunàn, dátapuwat patúloy rin sya naŋ pagtakbò. Nagkaŋdadápà sya sa pagtakbò, dátapwat maligsi syà ŋ 35nagbàbáŋon at patúluy din sa pagtakbò. | The night was dark as coal and he could not make out which way to go, but he kept running nevertheless. He fell on his face again and again as he ran, but he got up quickly and kept on running. |
Hindí naláon at nakádaan sya naŋ isà ŋ malakì at maitìm na bágay. Nàkilála nya ŋ iyòn ay isa ŋ kalabàw, kanyá sya y lumundàg agàd sa likòd nitò, at kanya ŋ pinatakbò. | It was not long before he came upon a large black object. He recognized it as a carabao, so he leaped quickly on its back and made it run. |
Aŋ pagsakày sa kalabàw ay hindí lubhà ŋ mahírap sa kalapáran 40naŋ likòd nitò at sa kahináan naŋ takbò. Kanyàʾ, káhit na walà ŋ pamitìk si Hwàn ay dí natákot na sumakày. Sa kadilimàn naŋ gabì sa kanya ŋ pagsakày ay naŋyári ŋ náharap sya sa buntútan naŋ kalabàw at hindí sa uluhàn. | Riding on a carabao is not very difficult, owing to the breadth of its back and the slowness of its pace. Therefore, even though he had no reins, Juan was not afraid to ride. Owing to the darkness of the night it happened that in his mounting he faced the tail-end of the carabao and not the head. |
Pinatúlin nya aŋ kalabàw. Naŋyári namà ŋ aŋ kalabàw na 5itò ay árì naŋ amà ni Maryà. Hindí nalaúnan at nakátanaw sya naŋ báhay na maílaw sa pinatùtuŋúhan naŋ kalabàw. Aŋ boò ŋ ása nyà aŋ báhay na iyòn ay sa kanya ŋ kápit-báhay. Kanyá bumabá sya sa kalabàw at patakbo syà ŋ pumanhìk sa báhay. | He urged on the carabao. Now it happened that this carabao was owned by Maria’s father. It was not long before Juan saw a lighted house in the direction toward which the carabao was going. He confidently expected that this house was his neighbor’s. Therefore he got down from the carabao and went up into the house on the run. |
Malakì aŋ nagìŋ pagkalitò nya at pagkatákot naŋ pagkápanhik 10nya y sinalúboŋ sya naŋ amà ni Maryà, at binambò sya sa katawàn at sinábi: “Anò t nagbalìk ka pà? Hindí ba pinaláyas na kità, wala ŋ hyàʾ?” | Great was his surprise and terror when, upon entering, he was met by Maria’s father and beaten all over his body and addressed: “What have you come back for? Haven’t I got rid of you yet, you shameless rascal?” |
Naŋ pagsa-ulàn si Hwàn naŋ kanya ŋ saríli ay nagtalòn sya sa batalàn at tumakbò sya ŋ mulí patúŋo sa kanya ŋ báhay, 15dátapuwat ŋayò y hindí na sya sumakày sa káhit anò pa màn. | When Juan came to himself he jumped from the porch and ran toward home, but this time he did not ride on anything. |