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Empires: Key Events


The following list gives often approximate dates to show the order of events, mainly occurring in Mesopotamia and Persia:

Dates BC

8000 First use of clay tokens
3600 Cylinder seals appear
3500 Numerical clay tablets appear
3300–2900 Proto-cuneiform clay tablets
3100–2700 Proto-Elamite cuneiform
3000–2300 Sumerian civilization
2800 Sumerian is first written down (not technically as cuneiform)
2600 Possible date for Gilgamesh as king of Uruk
2600 Sumerian is written using a true cuneiform script
2500–2000 Old Akkadian cuneiform
2300 Elamite cuneiform begins
2300 Akkadian Empire begins under King Sargon
2200 Akkadian Empire collapses
2000 Sumerian ceases as an everyday language
2000–1600 Old Babylonian cuneiform
2000–1500 Old Assyrian cuneiform
1792–1750 Hammurabi is king of Babylon
1600–1000 Middle Babylonian cuneiform
1500–1000 Middle Assyrian cuneiform
1400 Babylonian cuneiform becomes the lingua franca
1235 Assyria sacks Babylon
1115–1077 Tiglath-Pileser I is king of Assyria: first use of clay prisms
1000–600 Neo-Assyrian cuneiform
1000–600 Neo-Babylonian cuneiform
930 Neo-Assyrian Empire begins
883–859 Ashurnasirpal II is king of Assyria and builds a palace at Nimrud
878 Nimrud becomes the capital city of Assyria (moved from Ashur)
858–824 Shalmaneser III is king of Assyria and builds a new palace at Nimrud
825 The Black Obelisk is erected at Nimrud by Shalmaneser III
800 Aramaic language and script begin to spread in Mesopotamia and Persia
753 Mythical foundation of Rome
713 Sargon II of Assyria founds Khorsabad as his capital city (moved from Nimrud)
704–681 Sennacherib is king of Assyria and moves the capital from Khorsabad to Nineveh
668–627 Ashurbanipal is king of Assyria
612 Nineveh is sacked: collapse of the Neo-Assyrian Empire
605–562 Nebuchadnezzar II is king of Babylon
600 BC–AD75 Late Babylonian cuneiform
559–530 Cyrus the Great is king of Persia and founder of the Achaemenid dynasty
555–539 Nabonidus is king of Babylon
530–522 Cambyses II is king of Persia
522–486 Darius the Great is king of Persia
520 The Bisitun monument is started and Old Persian cuneiform is invented
486–465 Xerxes I is king of Persia
401 Cyrus the Younger is killed at the battle of Cunaxa
336–331 Darius III is king of Persia
333 Alexander the Great of Macedonia defeats Darius III at the battle of Issus
331 Persepolis is destroyed by Alexander the Great
330 Babylon is taken by Alexander the Great
330 Darius III is murdered: end of the Achaemenid (Persian) Empire, which now comes under Macedonian Greek control
323 Alexander the Great dies at Babylon
238 The Parthians (nomads from central Asia) begin to take over the former Persian Empire
141 Seleucia on the Tigris is taken by the Parthians

Dates AD

75 The last known use of cuneiform (at Babylon)
224 Sasanians conquer the Parthian Empire
240 Shapur I becomes the second ruler of the Sasanian Empire
260 The Roman emperor Valerian is captured by the Sasanians
594–628 Khusro II is ruler of the Sasanian Empire
651 The Sasanian Empire falls to the Arabs
762 Baghdad is founded by al-Mansur
1258 Baghdad falls to the Mongols
1299 Beginning of the Ottoman Empire
1588–1629 Shah Abbas I is ruler of Persia
1600 The East India Company is formed
1602 Cuneiform is observed for the first time at Persepolis
1623 Shah Abbas I of Persia captures Baghdad
1638 Baghdad is taken by Murad IV of the Ottoman Empire
1661 Bombay is ceded to Britain by Portugal
1722 Afghans besiege Isfahan
1789 Tehran becomes the capital of Persia
1792 Edward Hincks is born
1798–1834 Fath Ali is Shah of Persia
1802 The first cuneiform decipherment by Grotefend
1810 Henry Rawlinson is born
1815 Battle of Waterloo (final defeat of Napoleon)
1817 Austen Henry Layard is born
1827 Rawlinson goes to India
1829 First ascent of Mount Ararat
1833 Rawlinson leaves India for Persia
1834 Fath Ali Shah of Persia dies
1838 Coronation of Queen Victoria
1839 Layard leaves England for Ceylon
1839–42 First Anglo-Afghan War
1848 Revolutions in Europe
1849 Rawlinson and Layard meet at Nimrud
1849–51 Rawlinson is in England
1855 Rawlinson leaves Baghdad for good and returns to England
1857 The cuneiform competition is held
1859 Rawlinson goes to Tehran as Envoy
1860 Rawlinson resigns from his post at Tehran
1862 Rawlinson marries
1866 Hincks dies
1872 Discovery of the Flood tablet
1887 Discovery of the Amarna Letters
1889 Rawlinson’s wife dies
1894 Layard dies
1895 Rawlinson dies
Empires of the Plain: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon

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