Читать книгу Ultimate, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Guide - Lilian Paramor - Страница 25

CHAPTER 8 The serious side


Pregnancy is mostly uncomplicated, even if you do experience a few niggles along the way or some less pleasant times. One of the most essential and helpful things you can do to ensure that you have a normal, happy, healthy pregnancy is to believe that this is not a medical condition but, rather, a life experience. Take your responsibility to live as healthily as possible seriously, and in most instances you can indeed influence the outcome of this momentous new phase of your life for the good. It is so distressing when expectant couples seem to hand over their role in this prime human experience to the medical world. Yes, there are sometimes complications and risks, there are times when you may need treatment or intervention – however, many interventions and complications are like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted; or interventions may even lead to complications. Needlessly worrying about pregnancy and birth is simply using up your emotional energy which could translate into the best medicine of all – optimism! So, read this section carefully but take particular note of the sections that will help you achieve natural, healthier, better pregnancy and birth outcomes.

Ultimate, Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Guide

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