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This lengthy book was a big hill to climb, and I owe much to those who hung in there through every step. Not many people choose to evaluate 365 meditations with their thinking caps on and a red pencil at the ready! My three loyal readers—Steve Mischke, Anita Fletcher, and Walter Mischke—did just that, taking one month at a time and never flagging in their astute suggestions and “Atta-girls.” Their puzzlements yielded greater clarity; their comments enriched the content; their devotion to truth prompted deeper explanations. I hardly know how to express my gratitude. I owe them an unpayable debt.

Hugs and gratitude all around to my wonderful friends who tolerated both my enthusiasm and my occasional whining and pried me loose from my writing blocks with various versions of “You can do this!” I appreciate every pithy remark, every brilliant idea, and every kick in the backside. You know who you are and what you mean to me. Your support and encouragement kept me company in my lonely office.

I gleaned the bulk of the wisdom in this book from sessions with clients in my spiritual guidance practice over the past eighteen years. As they allowed me to companion them on their spiritual journeys, I watched their own rhythms of growth unfold. Those hours of sharing provided many of the insights in these pages.

Thanks to the talented team at Upper Room Books, a group of dedicated professionals and tireless cheerleaders. Together, they brought order out of chaos and confidence out of discouragement. They were always ready to respond to a phone call, reply to a panicky e-mail, and answer my questions. Besides, they are endlessly kind.

If there were such a thing as a hug in print, it would go to Upper Room’s Editorial Director, Jeannie Crawford-Lee, who believed in the project from the beginning and helped me mold the concept into a reasonable shape. What a friend and ally you are.

Special kudos go to Rita Collett, editor extraordinaire, who patiently worked with my offbeat style and edgy theology and rendered it readable and acceptable. A friend to both writer and reader, Rita embodies the dynamite combination of keen intellect and a warm heart—everyone involved benefits from her expertise.

Most of all, it was Walter who smoothed out the rough places. My long-suffering husband cooked meals, cleaned the house, and picked up all the balls I dropped. When I felt overwhelmed, he patiently altered plans at the drop of a hat with a smile (mostly) on his face. While I holed up in my office, churning out words, he lived a solo life for hours on end. And he never stopped rooting for me. What a guy. . . . I count myself as one very lucky woman.


Rhythms of Growth

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