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19…Let Them Out

Good morning! Have you ever experienced the “box effect?” You know, when someone is almost branded to be a certain way. We stick them in a box and give them no room to grow or change. We have certain low expectations of them based on past performances of some kind. Whether it be once self-centered, always self-centered; once a total jerk, always a jerk; once a liar, always a liar; once considered lazy, always lazy; once irresponsible, always irresponsible; and the list could go on for pages. The one very important thing missing in these examples is the power of God. Any of the above examples could be changed with God’s help.

As Christians, we should be growing and changing every day. 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.” So, if our precious Lord can take us, past sins and all, and daily transform us into the image of Jesus, then why do we try to keep others in the box of what used to define them? If we don’t let them out of their “box,” then why would we ever expect God to allow us to get out of our box? I don’t know about you, but I’m so very thankful that God doesn’t box me up because of my bad choices of the past. He has picked me up, brushed me off, and guided me in the direction of an abundant life in Him. So today, is there someone that you need to let out of their box? My prayer is that we would realize when we’re boxing someone up and quickly change our mindset about that individual and be ready to watch who they can become in Jesus.

Going with the Flow

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