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Good morning! What sounds better to you, $9.99 or $10? What about 365 days or one year? It’s all about your perspective, isn’t it? Have you ever wondered why some people refuse to accept the Lord’s invitation for salvation, especially with how crazy this world is becoming? For those of us who have accepted the gift of salvation and know that Heaven is our forever home, it’s often hard for us to understand why anyone would want anything but that.

Before we accepted the path that Jesus made possible for us, we most likely had the same false perceptions as those who haven’t accepted Jesus yet. Do you remember some of your perceptions at that time? You might have thought things like you could never see yourself as being good enough or you thought that God would never forgive your wheel barrel full of sins. And maybe you thought if you became a Christian, the days of you having any fun would be over. But then, someone came along side you and started speaking truths in your life and you started wondering if maybe your perceptions had been wrong. As Believers, we are the living example of Christ. Those who have yet to come to faith watch us carefully to see if our words match up with our actions. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you …” We are here on this earth to further God’s kingdom. Just like someone helped us see God’s perception on life and death, we are called to be ready to help others see life from God’s point of view. Are you prepared to do that? I pray we will always be ready and sitting on “Go”!

Going with the Flow

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