Читать книгу Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying - Linda LLC Stein-Luthke - Страница 3



Last January, I was sitting in my car, gazing at a glorious stretch of the Pacific coast at Morro Bay in California. In that moment, I realized that the next channeled publication that I would allow to come through was about something most of us would rather ignore: aging and dying.

I had gone to California to care for my sister after she had surgery. That afternoon, I took time off to enjoy the ocean and the spectacular scenery. On my way down to the beach, I had an unfortunate encounter with a squirrel. The creature dashed across the road in front of me and ran right under the wheels of my car. To my knowledge, I’ve never run over an animal before, and I was horrified at what had just happened.

Deeply shaken, I continued the drive to the beach. There I sat, staring at the surf. The white-crested waves were pummeling the shoreline, one after another, in a never-ending procession. Each wave crashed onto the beach with all its might, only to be followed by another. Did the wave know it would die on the beach as it hit the shore, only to be followed by another wave, and another, each one composed of the very same elements as the ones that preceded it?

Those were the thoughts crossing my mind as I began to feel the peaceful presence of the beings of Light, responding to the pain I was feeling at the loss of a life.

The beings of Light explained to me that the squirrel knew it was giving its life to help me awaken to new insights. Already, its beautiful Light was filling me with an awareness that its form would return again and again, if it chose that path. I realized that its eternal Light still existed. It was blending with my Light to show me that it was one with everything and would continue so. It had only changed form. It had never lost consciousness and was happily existing still. It would come again, just as one wave follows another, to live as full a life as it wished, before changing form and returning yet again.

These thoughts calmed my mind and eased my pain. I felt the eternal love that all Light carries, including this beautiful animal, whose inert form now belied something that I was experiencing as very real.

I wanted to know whether there was more I should do for this beautiful creature, and the answer came to leave it as it was, to become part of the natural system of life near the beach. Other creatures would consume its flesh, but it would feel no pain from this experience; it was happy to give its form so that other forms could live.

This information amazed me, for we are accustomed to think so differently about such matters. This small animal kept showing me that all life forms flow into one another in perfect order and that we need not feel guilty for the order of life as we know it now. Certainly, we have been instructed by the beings of Light to honor and nurture all that has been created and to rejoice in its beauty. But when life changes form, we can let it go and know that the Light flowing through all of us survives eternally.

After coming to peace with such thoughts as I sat watching the waves, my mind turned to the issue of aging. Visiting my sisters and brother had brought a greater awareness to me of how we are all changing as the years pass. Among my siblings, health concerns seem to have become more of an issue. Given my family’s gene pool, the probability of my enjoying a healthy, long life would be slim. But at the age of 58, I can say that I feel healthier now than I felt two decades ago. I also feel that I have aged gently to this time.

The Masters say that as we open to our Light and allow it to flow more easily through our form, we can actually reverse the aging process. I have become a believer in this as I observe my own body.

Throughout the years, I have learned many things from the beings of Light, as well as from healers and health-care professionals, about how to maintain or regain my health. I believe that proper nutrition and supplementation are essential for our well-being -- but they are not sufficient. Wellness requires an unencumbered flow of Light throughout one’s form. The main obstacles to such flow are fears, and our most basic fears center around aging and dying.

The thoughts that came to me that day made my visit to the beach pivotal to my life. I hope this book will be pivotal for you. Now I’ll get out of the way and let the real expert speak.

Love and Light,


Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying

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