Читать книгу Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying - Linda LLC Stein-Luthke - Страница 4

Foreword by St. Germain


We are once again grateful to Leia [Linda] and Manalus [Martin] for allowing our words to come through them in the creation of this publication. We have suggested a title that would convey the message that aging and dying are illusory concepts in your three-dimensional world. Indeed, in this publication we will seek to make it clear that when you move beyond the five senses you can see these illusions for yourselves.

Any publication we produce with Leia and Manalus has only one primary function: To aid human beings in attaining a conscious awareness of the Light within them. And so the same will also be true for this publication.

Beloved children, the only thing that impedes the awareness of this Light within is fear -- fear that blocks the conscious flow of this Light. The two greatest fears that human beings possess at this time are the fears of aging and dying. If we can aid you to come to an understanding that every fear you have is an illusion, you will see that this also holds true for the fears around aging and dying.

If you allow yourselves to learn and practice what we offer in these pages and follow the suggestions for healing your fears, you will see these illusions for what they are. Then you will allow yourselves movement into a greater awareness of the only true reality there is: that all is Light -- and that includes you.

Understanding the properties of this Light is crucial. The Light is powerful, omniscient, eternal, unconditionally loving, and beneficent. You may wish to argue with this characterization of the Light that flows through your form, but we will tell you that this is all true.

The fears that block a conscious awareness of the Light are what holds you in the grip of the process of aging and dying. Your Light is so powerful, beloved children, that when it receives signals from your ego mind -- which is also composed of Light -- that you will accept a lifestyle that insures aging and dying, it goes along with your choices and gives you what you have asked for. And so you age and die.

However, your world is changing very rapidly, beloved children. We ask you to open yourselves to new possibilities. Indeed, you may wish to open yourselves to a new world in which health and well-being are the natural order of existence. These things are possible now.

We invite you to join us on a journey to a new paradigm, a life-giving and rejuvenating paradigm that is free from all fear.

Many blessings of Love and Light,

St. Germain

Dispelling the Illusions of Aging and Dying

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