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Choosing Needles


When choosing needles the following guides may help.

 Hand sewing and piecing – Sharps 60/8–65/9.

 Hand quilting – Betweens 65/9, 70/10 and 80/12.

 Hand appliqué – Sharps or Betweens 60/8–65/9.

 Decorative hand stitches – various, depending on thread.

 Machine piecing – Universal 80/12 or 70/12 for straight stitching.

 Machine quilting – Universal 75/11­–90/14.

 Machine appliqué – Universal 70/10 or Embroidery 75/11 for satin stitch.

 Decorative machine sewing – Embroidery 75/11 for 40 weight threads and 80/12 for 30 weight threads.

 Italian quilting – Large-eyed Tapestry needle for threading the wool cord through channels.

The Quilter's Bible

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