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This section looks at some of the tools and materials you might need for patchwork, appliqué and quilting, describing their uses and showing illustrations where relevant. The tools are grouped according to their function, and include design tools, marking tools, measuring and cutting tools, sewing tools, pressing tools and miscellaneous gizmos and gadgets.

Basic Tool Kit

If you are a complete beginner, the sheer volume of tools and gadgets available can be overwhelming but you really only need the basics in the Tool Kit listed here to get going. After you discover which areas of patchwork, appliqué and quilting interest you most you can add to your supplies.

 Rotary cutter and mat

 Quilter’s ruler

 Tape measure

 Fabric, embroidery and paper scissors

 Selection of hand sewing needles

 Fine dressmaker’s pins and safety pins


 Sewing machine

 Selection of machine sewing needles

 Selection of hand and machine threads

 Erasable markers

 Fusible web

 Freezer paper

 Graph paper and isometric paper

 Standard ruler

 Pens, pencils and eraser

 Steam iron and ironing board

 Thin card

 Template plastic

The Quilter's Bible

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