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Being a girl in the world can be tough stuff, chica. Fact.

One minute you’re brushing your Barbie doll’s hair, the next you’re diggin’ on the totally cute guitar-playin’ dude in the year above. Sigh.

That’s not all, both your body and mind go through some pretty dramatic changes at a helluva crazy speed too. This, sweet thing, is your puberty makeover.

Now, I heart a makeover as much as the next chica, but ladybumps, mood-swings, hair sprouting here and there and periods? Well, there ain’t no denying that they can be a complete head-mess. Whether your big P makeover is exciting, embarrassing, irritating or anxiety-inducing, don’t freak out, the Pink Ladies and I have everything you need to make it as stress-free as possible. How?

Well, punk princess and Pink Lady Bella, who is a whole lot older than us, she’s 17 which is like, practically a grown up – has completed her big P makeover and is the coolest mix of agony aunt, big sister and glossy girl ‘zine in a rockgirl package. She’s got the puberty 101 and together, ‘coz yep, we’re feeling it too sister, we’ll make sure you’re totally clued up about the whole big P makeover; it is a girl thing after all!

Love and pink lemonade bubbles,

It’s A Girl Thing

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