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As you know I’m a pink-thinking chica on a daily basis and while I dig who I am and know I’m no ugly duckling, there are still times, even with all the pink thinking in the world, when I feel like one. Sound familiar?

Blame the hormones.

Hormones are the chemicals your body produces to transform your sweet self from a young girl to a woman. These body changes can take years to unfold and take hold–yawn–and while there will deffo be some changes you’ll like, there’s a chance there will also be some that you won’t.

Yes, this is rude and wrong, but unfortunately, chica, it is factuality.

If, like me, you’re feeling a li’l bit messy and stressy about all this big P stuff, then hold up, because Bella is our ‘big P go-to’ about all things girl. She is the tiara-wearing princess of the bod squad–that’s us btw–and together, we’ll be answering all the need-to-know questions that you’re too scared or embarrassed to ask–for the record though, NO question is ever too silly–I mean, how’s a girl ever to become the most feisty, fun, fearless and fabulous girl in all of girlsville if she doesn’t ask questions, eh?

It’s A Girl Thing

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