Читать книгу Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill? - Литагент HarperCollins USD, Martin Budd N.D. D.O. - Страница 11

How Does the Thyroid Cause Fatigue?


The link between thyroid malfunction and fatigue is well recognized by practitioners and patients. However, it may interest you to know just how a tiny gland weighing between 8gm and 40gm (or less than 2oz) can profoundly influence all our systems and organs.

The patterns of cause and effect with the thyroid and fatigue are both subtle and complex. Many of the symptoms that develop as a result of a thyroid imbalance contribute to the condition and a vicious circle is established. These symptoms include obesity (causing reduced activity), depression, muscle pain and sugar cravings.

In order to explain your fatigue, we first need to define ‘fatigue’ itself: What is it? Can it be measured? And how do we know when we are tired?

Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill?

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