Читать книгу Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill? - Литагент HarperCollins USD, Martin Budd N.D. D.O. - Страница 21

Why are People Overweight?


Changes in weight which seem uncontrollable and inexplicable can be one of the most upsetting symptoms of an undiagnosed underactive thyroid. Many of us place a great deal of importance on our physical appearance; and even if your weight is not of great concern, you probably find it distressing to not be able to explain weight fluctuations.

There is a common stereotype that all those suffering from underactive thyroid are overweight — this is simply not true. If you are under the age of 40 you may in fact be underweight. Sometimes the metabolism is so sluggish that your use of dietary protein and other foods is inefficient and consequently you lose weight.

However, there is a tendency for the majority of middle-aged and elderly patients of both sexes with low grade hypothyroidism to put on unwanted weight. The thyroid does not directly cause obesity, but rather leads to symptoms such as tiredness, lack of energy and sugar cravings which in turn can lead you to become overweight.

Here are some further reasons why weight increase and thyroid are connected:

1 The metabolic sluggishness that results from hypothyroidism can cause digestive inefficiency and constipation.

2 The typical muscle and joint pain and stiffness tends to discourage the regular exercise that many patients rely on to control their weight.

3 The characteristic fatigue does not encourage activity. It is so easy ‘not to bother’ and all types of exercise and activity are usually reduced to a minimum.

4 If food is not converted to energy it is often converted into fat reserves. The poor gut absorption and candidiasis so common in hypothyroid, contributes to this conversion process.

5 Intestinal wind can increase the body size, and although the weight may not change — the appearance certainly can.

6 The efficient digestion of food requires the correct stomach acidity, pancreatic enzyme balance, gut absorption and bowel and bladder efficiency. These important areas of our metabolism can all be adversely affected by a depressed thyroid. The inevitable slowing of our metabolic rate leads to fluid retention, weight increase and a general reduction in our metabolic efficiency.

7 Depression is a common symptom of mild hypothyroidism, and depressed people usually have low self-confidence and suffer from anxiety. Unfortunately when these symptoms are experienced many of us turn to food for comfort, particular chocolate and sugar-rich foods. Alcohol is also taken for relief from anxiety. So a vicious circle can be established, involving the pattern opposite.

8 A decrease in brown fat. Brown fat consists of very specialized fat-burning tissue that is located around the neck, shoulders and upper spine, and around the vital organs including the kidney and heart. When the thyroid is underactive, the heat producing properties of this tissue tend to be reduced.

Why Am I So Tired?: Is your thyroid making you ill?

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