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History of Birdfair
ОглавлениеThe concept of Birdfair was hatched in a local pub in Hambleton close to the shores of Rutland Water way back in 1987. Little did we realise all those years ago that this would start a trend of Birdfair’s across the globe.
The aim of Birdfair was to provide a market place for the growing ‘industry’ of birdwatching, be a meeting place for wild-life enthusiasts and to support a conservation project. Thirty years on Birdfair is the world’s largest wildlife event, bringing together over 70 countries and hosting almost 25,000 visitors annually. Birdfair has supported and funded global conservation projects from as far afield as Vietnam to Cuba, Ethiopia to Peru, Myanmar to Argentina. To date almost five million pounds has been donated to BirdLife projects in these areas – an incredible achievement for a three-day event!
On the commercial side Birdfair provides a platform for launching new products from optics, to bestselling natural history books to exotic wildlife holidays. Perhaps one of the biggest surprises has been the growth in eco-tourism – Birdfair is recognised as the ‘event’ to attend if you are contemplating a wildlife experience of a lifetime. Almost 50 per cent of the 395 stands offer individual and group trips. Although still dubbed as The Birdfair, wildlife organisations also attend representing bats, frogs, plants, butterflies, badgers and more.
Birdfair is more than just a hotspot for the commercial side of Birdwatching, thousands of visitors enjoy a weekend of entertainment. From the moment the gates open until way into the evening there are lectures, games, quizzes, talks, films, debates all supported by our wildlife celebrities. The Wild Zone provides younger visitors with the opportunity to engage directly with the fantastic wildlife of Rutland Water Nature Reserve, whether watching Ospreys, cruising on the water, pond dipping, bug hunting or just enjoying our annual wildlife Pantomime!
BirdBrain of Britain now in its 26th year attracts a huge audience, and thanks to generous sponsorship has helped the participating wildlife clubs raise tens of thousands of pounds for conservation projects in their regions.
The local economy is also a winner, as more and more visitors are staying for the whole three days. Hotels, B&Bs, Campsites, school boarding houses, restaurants bulge to capacity bringing huge financial benefits.
Over the years Birdfair has evolved bringing new attractions such as the highly successful Birdfair Auction raising well over £200,000, the Authors forum and the local produce tent. However none of this would have been achieved without the dedication of our staff and an incredible team of 470 volunteers.
From dawn to dusk for weeks before, during the event and for days after the crowds have left, this wonderful group can be justifiably proud that over the past 30 years they have played their part in creating and running the World’s largest Wildlife Event.