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2004 A Martin Collinson – British Birds Answers: see here
Оглавление1 Name a bird named after Francesco Cetti.
2 Name three of the signatory nations that have ratified the Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) under the Bonn Convention which came into force on 1 Febuary 2004.
3 Why specifically has the House Martin been neutered?
4 In which year did British Birds introduce the Monthly Marathon?
5 What size of ring would you use to ring a Goldcrest?
6 What was the population of the Critically Endangered Tumbesian endemic Pale-headed Brush-finch thought to be in 2003?
7 ‘Wettergulp’ and ‘pikgulp’ were names used by professional Dutch birdcatchers for two waders that wintered in Holland. What species are they thought to be?
8 What is the general colour of most Hippolais warbler eggs?
9 What rank was Jacob the Goose, the mascot of the Coldstream Guards (until the last one was run over in the Mall)?
10 Which of the following does not exist: Rufous-collared Sparrow, Rufous-winged Sparrow, Rufous-chested Sparrow or Rufous-crowned Sparrow?
11 What happened to British Birds in January 1999?
12 What eagle is named after the fearsome winged monsters of classical mythology, Aellopus and Ocypete?
13 What disease spread to America from Africa in 1999 and is a significant threat to many species of American bird?
14 Which artist designed the 1980 issue of Great Britain stamps, featuring Kingfisher, Dipper, Moorhen and Yellow Wagtail?
15 In which year was British Birds first published?
16 What is the resting heart rate of an Ostrich?
17 What bird may be known as a Bodfforchog in Wales and a Salmon-tailed Gled in Scotland?
18 How many Siberian Cranes wintered in Iran last year?
19 What Vulnerable seabirds were taken from Tristan da Cũnha by a South African zookeeper with Foreign Office approval in the past year?
20 In what country, other than Thailand, has Gurney’s Pitta been rediscovered (where it is inevitably threatened with deforestation for oil-palm cultivation)?