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2 | What makes for good manners


It depends to some extent on the changing times. Today’s recommendations for style and etiquette depend on the situation and are readily understandable. A person who has a command of good manners can go anywhere. But without warmth and an inner attitude they are mere arrogance. Good style has little to do with rules and a lot to do with sensitivity for others and also with self-control and self-possession.

Nowadays professional good manners count among the key qualifications for success in professions and careers. Make use of the advantage you have after reading this little book. You will discover that the skills you acquire and the ability to deal politely and stylishly with people will facilitate your professional career. You will easily gain more influence.

International dealing and negotiating requires know-how but, even more, it calls for tact and sensitivity. The more a country is shaped by its traditions, the more important it is for a visitor to inform himself on the customs and traditions, which are still alive today. Intercultural differences cannot be pushed aside, so we should learn how to deal with them.

In 1788 Friedrich Adolph Freiherr (von) Knigge wrote the moral book of rules “Über den Umgang mit Menschen” (On Human Relations), which has been regarded as a classic work of German intellectual and social history up to the present day. But unfortunately it is also seen mistakenly as a standard work on good manners in all spheres of life. Knigge’s book is a treatment of worldly wisdoms rather than an introduction to proper behaviour. Here are some sentences from his book which are still valid today: “Be interested in other people if you want them to be interested in you” – “Respect yourself if you want others to respect you”.

100 Business Etiquette Tips for Germany.

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