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By learning the meanings of the commonly utilized prefixes, you will be able to break down unfamiliar words to find out their meaning. It may be helpful to divide them into categories according to their meaning. Below are the prefixes arranged into six categories.

1 Prefixes related to position regarding time and place

2 Prefixes describing position or location

3 Prefixes related to type

4 Prefixes related to direction

5 Prefixes describing number or quantity

6 Prefixes related to size, amount, and color

If we have the root word “operative” we can change the meaning by inserting different prefixes. For example:

 preoperative – before a surgery

 postoperative – after the surgery

 perioperative – around the time of the surgery

Prefixes related to position regarding time and place:

ana‐ up, back again
ante‐ before, in front of, forward
cata‐ down, through
meta‐ beyond, over, between, change, after
noct‐ night
post‐ after, behind
pre‐ before, in front of
prim‐ first
sym‐, syn‐ together, union, with

Prefixes describing position or location:

anti‐ against, opposing
apo‐ separation from or derivation from
circum‐ around
contra‐ opposite, against, opposed
dorso‐ pertaining to the back
ecto‐ outside, misplaced
endo‐ within, inner
epi‐ on, over, upon
extra‐ outside of, in addition to
hyper‐ above, excessive, beyond
hypo‐ under, deficient, beneath
infra‐ below
inter‐ between parts
intra‐ within parts
medi‐ middle
para‐ beside, beyond
peri‐ around
pro‐ for, in front of, before
pseudo‐ false
sub‐ beneath, under
super‐, supra‐ excessive, above, superior
trans‐ across, through, over, beyond
ultra‐ excessive, extreme, beyond

Prefixes related to type:

a‐, an‐ without, absent, lack of
auto‐ self
bi‐ two, double, twice
brady‐ slow
co‐, com‐, con‐ with, together
cry‐ cold
crypto‐ hidden
dys‐ difficult, bad, painful, abnormal
eu‐ good, normal
glyco‐, gluco‐ sugar, sweet
gyn‐, gyneco‐ female
hydra‐, hydro‐ water
mal‐ bad

Prefixes related to direction:

ab‐ away from
ad‐ to, toward
de‐ opposite, reverse, remove
dia‐ apart, separate, between
e‐, ex‐ out of, away from
in‐ in, inside, within, not
re‐ back, again
retro‐ behind, backward

Prefixes describing number or quantity:

ambi‐, amphi‐ both
bi‐ two
di‐ two, twice
hemi‐ half
mono‐ one
multi‐ many
pan‐ all, entire
poly‐ many, excessive
quadri‐ four
quint‐ five
semi‐ half, partial
tri‐ three

Prefixes related to size, amount and color:

a‐, an‐ none
cyano‐ blue
erythro‐ red
leuko‐ white
macro‐ large
mega‐ big
micro‐ small
mio‐ less, smaller
olig‐ little, small
per‐ excessive, through, by means of
Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant

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