Читать книгу The Surgery of the Skull and Brain - Louis Bathe Rawling - Страница 13
(e) The zygoma.
ОглавлениеWhen traced in the backward direction, the zygoma is found to divide immediately in front of the ear into three roots, of which the anterior, merging into the eminentia articularis, and the middle, aiding in the formation of the post-glenoid process, are of no practical utility in surface-marking. The upper or posterior root sweeps backwards above the external auditory meatus to become continuous with the suprameatal and supramastoid crests, the former of which forms the upper boundary of Macewen’s suprameatal triangle, a triangular depression at the upper and posterior border of the external auditory meatus. This triangle may be taken as representing the opening of the mastoid antrum into the middle ear.
These landmarks having been determined, the following structures may be mapped out on the surface of the skull.