Читать книгу The Surgery of the Skull and Brain - Louis Bathe Rawling - Страница 5
The superior longitudinal sinus.
ОглавлениеThis sinus originates at the crista galli and, passing backwards along the attached margin of the falx cerebri, terminates at the internal occipital protuberance. It may be represented by a line drawn from the base of the nose (the nasion), over the vertex of the skull, to the external occipital protuberance (the inion)—this line corresponding in its course to the occasionally persistent metopic suture between the two halves of the frontal bone, to the sagittal suture between the parietal bones, and to the middle line of the upper or tabular portion of the occipital bone.
Secondly, each lateral half of the skull can be subdivided into supra- and infratentorial regions by a line which marks the external attachment of the tentorium cerebelli; in other words, by the line of the lateral sinus.