Читать книгу Emergency Incident Management Systems - Mark Warnick S., Louis N. Molino Sr - Страница 4

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Command Staff.Figure 7.2 General Staff.Figure 7.3 Hierarchal Structure.

2 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Hierarchical placement of Deputy Operations Chief.Figure 8.2 Branches separated by function.Figure 8.3 Branches identified using roman numerals.Figure 8.4 Branches identified by type of government.Figure 8.5 Combined divisions or groups.

3 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Modular construction of Logistics Section.Figure 9.2 Map symbols for incident facilities.Figure 9.3 Organizational structure of the Service Branch.

4 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Planning Section expansion with the main Units. Note: Positions wi...Figure 10.2 ICS Form 219‐5 Personnel Card (FEMA, n.d.b).Figure 10.3 All Units that could be activated under the Planning Section expan...

5 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Finance and administration hierarchical structure.

6 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Placement of Investigations and Intelligence Gathering (FEMA‐Emerg...Figure 12.2 Investigations and Intelligence Gathering (I/I) Section Groups.

7 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 The Planning P for the ICS method (FEMA, 2012).

8 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 How to develop response tactics.Figure 14.2 The Planning P.

9 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 The beginning of the Planning P.Figure 15.2 The reoccurring part of the Planning P.

Emergency Incident Management Systems

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