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She’d come to a halt, pausing in front of a small detached bungalow in a leafy avenue just around the corner from his rented house.

“This is me,” she said, and he opened the garden gate and walked her to the door. The porch light wasn’t on and the area was shaded from the streetlight by a tree, creating an intimate little space.

Too intimate.

Suddenly the air was filled with tension, crackling with electricity, heavy with expectation and suppressed emotion. His? Hers?


He couldn’t kiss her. It would be crazy. They were colleagues. He’d told his grandmother that. Hell, he’d told Kate that, and he didn’t want to muddy the waters at work.

But he wanted to kiss her.

Despite all his best intentions, despite the serious talking-to he’d given himself the night before, he wanted to kiss her.

And she wanted to kiss him. He could feel it in the tension coming off her in waves, in the hesitation, in the breathless sense of anticipation….

Love Affairs

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