Читать книгу Woman's Book of Yoga - Louise Taylor - Страница 8


Chapter 1

Origins of Yoga

The Paths of Yoga

How Yoga Can Benefit You

Getting Started

Helpful Knowledge for

Hatha Yoga Practice

Your Journal

Origins of Yoga

Yoga originated in ancient India. Begun by Tibetan monks more than six thousand years ago, the techniques and theories were initially handed down orally by a chain of teachers and students. At first its teachings were secret, as were those of its offshoots, among them karate and t’ai chi. The first written account of yoga is attributed to the Indian sage Patanjali, who codified the complete system in the second century B.C. His Yoga Sutras remain one of India’s most important writings.

The word yoga is derived from the ancient Sanskrit root verb yuj, which means “to join” or “unite.” It signifies the union of the conscious mind with the deeper levels of the unconscious or universal mind, which ultimately results in a totally integrated personality. The yogic ideal of unification is called mukusha and connotes a perfect balance or state of naturalness. The philosophy stresses that the whole of life strives toward this ideal, which is described by the Christian religion as the peace that passeth all understanding. Yoga teaches that when we begin to search for balance and natural harmony in our lives, we begin to grow on a path that leads to deeper understanding and fulfillment. At such a time we learn that satisfaction comes from something we find deep within, and does not rely on external stimulation.

In the sixth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, which is the most important authority on yoga philosophy, Krishna explains to Arjuna the meaning of yoga as a deliverance from the sorrows of this world.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The first Western travelers in the East, in the times of Marco Polo, returned with stories of philosophers and sages who were described as being utterly serene, detached, and apparently unaffected by the ordinary difficulties of living. They were indifferent to pain and were able to control their minds and bodies in ways that, to Western observers, seemed miraculous. These sages were Hindu yogis. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjuli outlined in detail the physical and mental achievements necessary for one aspiring to this state. The book contains one hundred and ninety-six short aphorisms that describe the philosophy of yoga and the means of making it a viable reality in the life of a yogi (a yogi is a follower of yoga). Patanjali divided his work into four chapters. In the second chapter he describes the eight limbs of yoga, which provide the core of yogic philosophy:

Yama: abstention from evil.

Niyamas: observances.

Asanas: postures. Out of the thousands of postures then in use, Patanjali chose eighty-four. In India today these same postures are basic to the study of yoga.

Pranayama: breath control.

Dharana: concentration.

Dhyana: meditation.

Pratyahara: sense withdrawal.

Samadhi: self-realization.

Of these, yamas and niyamas should be examined more closely because they describe rules of moral conduct that are required of the student of yoga. Niyamas are the rules of conduct that apply to individual discipline, whereas yamas are universal in their application. The five abstinences or yamas are as follows:

Ahimsa: nonviolence: Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most revered philosophers and statesmen of India, founded his philosophy on ahimsa and satya (truth). He believed that these represent the soul force (Satyagraha), which he felt to be vastly superior to brute force represented by bombs and guns. He stated repeatedly that soul force is indispensible in transforming the politics of bloodshed into the politics of human welfare and world peace.

Satya: truthfulness.

Asteya: nonstealing.

Brahmacharya: continence of the body, speech, and mind (this can also be translated as chastity or fidelity).

Aparigrapha: simplification of life by not hoarding or collecting possessions.

The following are the five observances or niyamas:

Saucha: purity.

Santosa: contentment.

Tapas: austerity.

Svadhyaya: study.

Ishvara pranidhana: worship of God or the universal soul. By understanding the eight limbs of yoga we can see that practitioners are provided with a complete philosophy that gives them an intellectual understanding of the nature of creation, the nature of humans, and the relationship between them.

The Paths of Yoga

The schools or paths of yoga are numerous. Each student is generally attracted to the particular form which best answers his or her own needs. In many ways, the differences are largely a matter of emphasis because many of the paths overlap to some extent. Each one leads to personal development and eventually to a state of higher consciousness where the individual self merges with the universal self, bringing people and nature into complete harmony. Many serious students choose more than one path. Swami Vivekananda, who was instrumental in introducing yoga to the United States around the turn of the century, believed in a synthesis of the various yogas to achieve self-realization. Others believe that it is more beneficial to follow one path to their goal.

Hatha Yoga

Although necessary to all existence, balance is often upset. Yoga attempts to restore it through a threefold path of development—physical, mental, and spiritual. Yoga claims that there is no artificial separation between that which is body and that which is mind. This is the logic behind the fact that all yoga instruction begins with the physical, with hatha yoga, the philosophy of physical well-being. The goal is to gain control of the body’s energy flow and to direct it in positive, healing ways. The vital energy called chi by the Chinese and ki by the Japanese is called prana in India. Prana is everywhere and in everything; it is the basic force that animates all matter. In the study of yoga the life force or prana is closely associated with breathing practices that control and direct this important energy. Freed and able to flow throughout the body, it can stimulate both body and mind; blocked and distorted, it can sap and deplete our vitality.

The postures and breathing techniques of hatha yoga combine to provide vibrant energy and well-being. Each posture is enhanced by the addition of proper breathing (pranayama). The stretches, breathing, and deep relaxation exercises of hatha yoga balance and tone the entire body. They provide an effective method for dealing with our normal fast-paced lives, and give quick, observable results in relieving stress and tension.

The name hatha is made up of two Sanskrit roots: ha, which stands for the sun, and tha for the moon. In the science of hatha yoga, the right side of the body is the positive, male, sun, heat side, the left side is the negative, female, moon, cool side. Through the practice of hatha yoga the two sides and their characteristic forces are brought into balance. Thus one can obtain physical health, mental clarity, and steady strength of mind and character. The practice and eventual mastery of the postures and breathing patterns result in a balanced and steady mind and body.

Hatha yoga asanas (bench or steady positions) are designed to give maximum flexibility and strength to the skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. They stretch and strengthen the spine and work, with the aid of breathing exercises, to balance and revitalize the body. While doing the stretches the vital organs are massaged and blood circulation is increased. The asanas are practiced not only to achieve a state of well-being but as a preparation for meditation. To meditate effectively, it is important to have a strong, flexible body that is able to remain in a meditative posture for long periods without becoming fatigued.

You notice that the asanas are named for animals and natural phenomena. The reason for this can be found in the Vedas, ancient Hindu scriptures, which describe how yoga exercises were created and designed by the king of yogis, Lord Shiva, at the beginning of time. Lord Shiva observed how animals remained strong and healthy in harsh and varied environments. After studying their breathing and sleeping patterns as well as their movements, he isolated the underlying techniques that enabled them to survive efficiently and, from them, developed the hatha yoga system.

Hatha yoga is presented in fuller detail because it is the main subject of this book. However, it is useful and interesting to gain an overview of the entire yogic system.

Mantra Yoga

A mantra is a repeated phrase. Japa is the term used to describe the actual repetition. Therefore, mantra yoga is sometimes called japa yoga. Followers of mantra yoga repeat certain mantras thousands of times. A mantra takes the place of usual thought patterns and focuses the mind on the vibration of the mantra. The mantra and its goal merge and become one and the same.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti yoga involves concentration and meditation on the divine. It is the yoga of faith, devotion, and worship. People engaged in appreciating art, music, or nature practice bhakti yoga whether or not they call it by that name. Service toward humanity and animals and an unselfish striving to see the universal principle in all things is the path of one practicing this yoga. Bhakti yoga is often combined with mantra yoga. Chanting the mantra with love, the yogi becomes inspired and filled with bliss.

Karma Yoga

This is the yoga of action. Its name comes from the Sanskrit kri, which means “to do.” It is based on the law of cause and effect, with good deeds producing good results. Followers of karma yoga feel that they are a necessary unit in the whole process of life.

Jnana Yoga

In Sanskrit jnana means “to know.” This is the path of knowledge or intellectual attainment. The truths of existence and the nature of the self are examined. In this yoga students focus on themselves, not as the body, feelings, personality, or intellect, but as their user. This yoga raises the seeker above limitations and attempts to recognize the similarities and truths in all philosophies.

Raja Yoga

Raja signifies royal, or kingly. This is the yoga of self-mastery through mental control. It seeks to gain control over the stream of thoughts, attempting to check that flow and still the mind by means of concentration (dharana) and contemplation (dhyana). By these practices a state of superconsciousness (samadhi) may be reached. Raja yoga is closely linked with hatha yoga and the two are often practiced together. Hatha yoga aims at mastering the body and raja yoga aims at mastering the mind.

Laya Yoga

This term, meaning “latency” in the sense of hidden, defines a type of yoga applied to stilling the mind in order to awaken and direct the inner force called kundalini. The kundaini is seen as a life force that purifies the body by traveling through each of the energy centers (chakras).

How Yoga Can Benefit You

The following benefits have often been recorded by women who regularly practice yoga at least three times a week: weight loss; relief from such conditions as insomnia, headache, backache, constipation, sinusitis, and asthma; improved balance and posture; improved concentration; increased strength and flexibility; reduced mental strain, stress, and tension; improved relaxation; improved circulation and breathing; and improved condition of skin, eyes, and hair. These and many other positive changes occur through a regular commitment to practice yoga because it is a complete program that involves the entire individual physically, mentally, and spiritually. A basic premise is that a definite exists between mind and body, that whatever affects one affects the other.

One of the most rewarding aspects of yoga practice is discovering how mind and body can unite in a harmony of movement and coordination. You will open to new vistas of understanding about yourself. While participating in many other forms of exercise it is possible to allow your mind to wander. In yoga, your mental focus on the stretch, coordinated with deep and regular breathing, produces an internal and external unity that gradually increases with practice. This concentration eventually becomes a form of mental discipline that you can apply to all phases of your life.

Yoga is extremely beneficial for anyone of any age. With continued practice of this versatile system of exercise, you can see results quickly because, as you release tensions, you liberate vast resources of energy.

Practicing yoga also promotes a high level of organic health. It can help you to keep a youthful bearing and outlook which radiate feelings that every woman wants, energy, beauty, and poise.

Yoga increases circulation and flexibility. Your spine provides the housing for the central and autonomic nervous systems, and thus your entire body benefits as your spine becomes more flexible. Movement can become a pleasure as your joints begin to function with greater ease, and your muscles start to work more smoothly and efficiently.

Many women are first drawn to yoga as a way to keep fit and supple. Others come seeking relief for a specific complaint. Whatever your reason, it can become an important part of your life as an instrument for your wellbeing and self-discovery.

Getting Started

It is helpful to set aside a specific time each day to work with this book. You will need at least a half hour when you know that you will not be disturbed. If you practice in the morning, you will not be as limber as you are later in the day. The morning stretches, however, will help you to prepare for the day ahead. If you practice in the evening, the stretches will relax you for a good night’s sleep.

Set aside a place for your practice that is clean and pleasant. It should be well ventilated but not drafty. The room temperature should be warm enough to allow you to exercise comfortably. You will need adequate space in which to stretch fully, and a carpet or a rug to protect you from the hardness of the floor. Do not use a spongy or air-filled mattress, though, because soft surfaces do not support your spine.

Be sure you will not be distracted. Turn off the television, radio, and, if possible, the telephone during the time you have designated for your practice.

You do not have to purchase special clothing, but be sure that what you wear is clean, light, and comfortable. Remove your wristwatch and any loose jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, and necklaces that might distract you.

Wait at least an hour after eating and, if possible, empty your bladder and bowels before you start.

Wherever necessary, limitations are included with the asana instructions. Consult the specific directions for each posture before you start your program. If you have any physical problems that warrant attention, check with your physician before you begin.

Helpful Knowledge for

Hatha Yoga Practice

Always use caution and common sense when practicing yoga postures. Move slowly and smoothly in and out of each asana, without bouncing or stretching to the point of strain. The number of repetitions given for each posture are to be used as a guideline only. Your body know how long you should hold each one and how many repetitions you should do.

If you do not feel comfortable with an asana, such as the wheel, or head stand, hold off doing it until you are ready to add it to your program.

Do each asana with full awareness and concentration, having read all of the directions and limitations on each page. Always concentrate on your breathing while practicing the exercises. Inhale and exhale through the nose. As you breathe in, feel your body filling with energy. Imagine that you are sending energy to the muscles you are stretching.

You notice that, except for Chapter 2 (warm-ups) and Chapter 15, each chapter contains two asanas for you to practice.

Learn them in the sequence presented, adding two at a time to your program. By the time you complete Chapter 14, you be able to do an entire program of yoga postures. Chapter 15 contains balance postures to challenge you further. It would be best to attempt these postures after you have taken the time to strengthen your body with the basic asanas.

When you start your program, always warm up with the sun salutation, head rolls, shoulder rotations, foot-limbering exercises, and the back stretch. Add the spinal rock and the butterfly to your warm-ups as time allows. During practice, choose at least one or two of the breathing exercises found in Chapter 3, and conclude each of your practice sessions with at least five minutes of complete rest in shavasana.

Your Journal

A journal is a way of keeping track of your pathway to success. It encourages you and points out how well you are doing. Here are some suggestions to help you to use your journal effectively.

In your journal, record your reactions to the asanas. Take a few minutes to do this each time you practice, especially in the beginning when you are learning to do the exercises. At the end of Chapter 15 you find additional pages that enable you to continue to record your progress.

Every asana is accompanied by a progress chart on which to record the degree of ease or difficulty you encounter in each posture. As you continue to record your entries, you soon be able to observe many new and rewarding changes.

Each chapter contains two special sections: New Understandings and Insights. The New Understandings have been included to allow you to gain a greater appreciation for the many aspects of yoga. The section on Insights will enable you to become more aware of your environment, your physical body, your mind, and your spirit. First complete the asanas in your daily program, and then take a few moments to thoughtfully and carefully work the other sections of your journal.

Woman's Book of Yoga

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