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The age of Cortez vvhen he passed into India
ОглавлениеHernando Cortez was of the age of nintéene yeares, in the yeare of Christ 1504. and then he went toward India, and agréed for his passage and victual with Alonso Quintezo who went in companie of other four shippes laden with merchandise, whiche nauie departed from saint Lucas de Barramedo, with prosperous nauigation, vntyll they arriued at the Iland of Gomera one of the Canarie Ilands, where they did prouide themselues of all things necessarie for so long a voyage as they then had in hand.
Comfort of God
Alounso Quintezo, being greedie of his voyage, and desirous to come to the Ilande of Sainto Domingo before his fellowes, hoping to sel his commoditie the better, departed from Gomera in the night season without knowledge giuing vnto his company. But incontinent after he had hoysed vp his sayles, arose vp so great a winde and tempest, that his maine mast brake, whereby hee was forced to retourne backe againe to the Ilande of Gomera. And he made earnest requeste to them of the other shyppes to staye for him, vntyl hee hadde mended his Mast, who friendlye and neyghbourlye graunted hys desire, and departed altogither, sayling in sight the one of the other certayne dayes: yet the sayde Quintero, seyng the weather stedfast, and harpyng vpon gaynes, flewe from his fellowes agayne. And where as Frances Ninio de Guelua his pilote was not experte in that Nauigation, they knew not where they were at length: the Mariners did giue sundry Iudgements: the Pilote was in great perplexitie and sadnesse, their passengers lamented, and bewayled their unfortunate successe: the Master of the shippe layde the faulte to the Pilote, and the Pilote likewise charged the Master, for it did appeare that they were fallen out before. In this meane time their victuall waxed skant, and their freshe water wanted, so that they prepared themselues to die. Some cursed theyr fortune, others asked mercie at Gods hande, lookyng for death and to be eaten of the Cariues. And in this tyme of tribulation came a Doue flying to the shippe, beyng on good Friday at Sunne sette, and satte him on the shippe toppe: whereat they were all comforted, and tooke it for a myracle and good token and some wept with ioy, some sayd yt God had sente the Doue to comforte them, others sayde that lande was neare, and all gaue hartie thankes vnto God, directing their course that way that the Doue flew: and when the Doue was out of sighte, they sorrowed againe, but yet remayned with hope to sée shortlye lande and on Easterday they discouered the Ilande of Santo Domingo, whiche was firste discried by Christopher Zorso, who cryed, lande, lande, a chéerefull voyce to the saylers. The Pilote looked out, and knewe that it was the poynt, or cape of Semana, and within foure dayes after they arriued in the porte of Santo Domingo, whiche was long wished for, and there they founde the other shippes of their company arriued many dayes before.