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The time that Cortez abode in Santo Domingo
ОглавлениеSoone after that the Gouernoure Ouando was in his regimente and office, Cortez arriued at Santo Domingo, and the Gouernoures Secretarie, called Medina, receyued and lodged him, and also enformed him of the estate of the Iland, and aduised hym what was néedefull to doe, wishing that hée would be a dweller there, and that he should haue a plot to build vpon, with certaine ground for husbandry. But Cortez his thought was cleane contrary, for hée iudged, that as soone as he came thither, he should lade with gold, whereby hée did little estéeme his friend Medina his coūsell, saying, that he had rather goe to gather gold, than to trauell in husbandrie. Medina yet perswaded him, that he shoulde take better aduisement, for to finde golde, was doubtfull, and very troubesome. This talke ended, Cortez went to kisse the Gouernours handes, and to declare the cause of his comming, with other newes from Estremadure the Gouernours Coūtrey. The Gouernour friendly welcommed him, and also perswaded him to abide there, the which councell he accepted, and shortlye after wente to the warres, whereof was Captayne Iaymes Velasques, in the prouince of Anigua Iaqua, and Guaca Iarima, and other Lordships whiche were not as yet pacifyed wyth the late rebellion of Anacoana widdowe, who was a gentlewoman of great liuing. Ouando gaue vnto Cortez certayne Indyans in the Countrey of Daiguao, and also the office of publike notarie in Azua, a towne whyche the Gouernour had builded, and there dwelt Cortez fyue or syxe yeares, and began to play the good husband. Now in this meane season he woulde haue gone to Veragua, which was reported to bee maruellous riche, with the Captayn Iaymes de Nicuesa: but bycause of an empostume that he had vnder his righte knée, he went not, and as it happened, he was therein fortunate, for that thereby hée escaped great perils and troubles, whiche happened to them that went on that voyage and iourney.