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1. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 14.

2. E. Brabourne, Letters of Jane Austen in Two Volumes, London 1884, vol. 1, s. 35–6.

3. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 14.

4. R. A. Austen-Leigh, Austen Papers, 1704–1856, Colchester 1942, s. 64–7, listy od Tysoe’a Saula Hancocka do żony Philadelphii Austen Hancock, Calcutta (23 September 1772).

5. D. Le Faye, A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family, Cambridge 2013, s. 36.

6. A. Austen Lefroy, cyt. za: Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2, F. Caroline Lefroy, niepublikowana historia ro­dziny.

7. Tamże.

8. Hampshire Record Office, Deane Parish Register, cyt. za: D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 12.

9. „Reading Mercury”, 13 June 1768, s. 4, cyt. za: R. Vick, Deane Parsonage, (1986–1995), vol. 4, s. 343.

10. Kent History and Library Centre MS 18M61/BOX/C, dokumenty nienumerowane, Edward Randall (przypuszczalnie) do Thomasa Knighta (26 February 1764).

11. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 21.

12. Tamże, s. 11.

13. Cyt. za: D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 10.

14. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 15.

15. Z noweli Mary Leigh, zob. C. Harman, Jane’s Fame, Edinburgh 2009, s. 26.

16. Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Record Office, MS 671/677, fols 1–2.

17. „The Lady’s Magazine”, London 1808, vol. 39, s. 110.

18. Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

19. Tamże.

20. R. A. Austen-Leigh, Austen Papers, 1704–1856, Colchester 1942, s. 22–4, listy od wielebnego George’a Austena do pani Walter, Steventon (8 July 1770).

21. Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

22. D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 3.

23. Tamże.

24. Tamże, s. 10.

25. Hampshire Record Office, MS 21M65/B4/1/1, fol. 309, R. Wright, 1720–27 (16 August 1725).

26. Tamże.

27. W. Cobbett, Rural Rides, London 1830, s. 100.

28. Tamże, s. 582, 585.

29. The Letters of Mrs Lefroy: Jane Austen’s Beloved Friend, pod red. H. Lefroy, G. Turnera, Winchester 2007, s. 81.

30. J. Gillies, Memoirs of Rev. George Whitefield, Middletown 1839, s. 20.

31. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 23.

32. Bellas MS, cyt. za: D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 13.

33. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 23.

34. Selections from William Cobbett’s Illustrated Rural Rides, pod red. C. Morrisa, Waltham Abbey 1992, s. 84.

35. D. Le Faye, Mr Austen’s Insurance Policy, Raport Stowarzyszenia Jane Austen, Chawton 1999, s. 26.

36. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 23.

37. Anna Lefroy, cyt. za: Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

38. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 23.

39. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-hampshire-20678244

40. Hubback MS, cyt. za: D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 20.

41. A. Austen Lefroy, cyt. za: Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

42. Z notatek M. Lloyd Austen, cyt. za: D. Le Faye, A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family, Cambridge 2013, s. 305.

43. Debbie Charlton, kierownik wykopalisk archeologicznych prowadzonych w 2011 roku na terenie plebanii w Steventon, przekazała mi ustne podsumowanie wyników badań i pokazała część odnalezionych artefaktów podczas mojego pobytu w tym miejscu w 2016 roku. Rezultaty tych badań zostaną opublikowane przez Debbie Charlton, pod tytułem Archaeology Greets Jane Austen, By Unearthing Her Birthplace and First Home, Basingstoke (wkrótce).

44. Cyt. za: „The Gentleman’s Magazine”, vol. 222, 1867, s. 150.

45. Hampshire Record Office, MS 8M62/14, f. 269v (March 1792).

46. A. Austen Lefroy, cyt. za: Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

47. Collins (1995), s. 65.

48. The Parliamentary Register, London 1802, vol. 17, s. 478.

49. D. Le Faye, James Austen’s Poetical Biography of John Bond, Raporty Stowarzyszenia Jane Austen (1986–1995), s. 244.

50. Tamże.

51. Tamże, s. 243.

52. E. Brabourne, Letters of Jane Austen in Two Volumes, London 1884, vol. 1, s. 151.

53. The Works of Jane Austen, pod red. R.W. Chapmana, vol. VI, Minor Works, Oxford 1954, s. 129.

54. R. A. Austen-Leigh, Austen Papers, 1704–1856, Colchester 1942, s. 24–6, listy od pani Austen do pani Walter, Steventon (26 August 1770).

55. Tamże, s. 28–30, (6 June 1773).

56. Verses to Rhyme with „Rose”, w: Jane Austen: Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family, pod red. D. Selwyna, 1996, s. 21.

57. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 31.

58. The Letters of Mrs Lefroy: Jane Austen’s Beloved Friend, pod red. H. Lefroya, G. Turnera, Winchester 2007, s. 40.

59. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 186–7.

60. A. Austen Lefroy, cyt. za: Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

61. J. Woodforde, The Diary of a Country Parson, 1758–1802, Norwich 1999, s. 387 (10 June 1799).

62. Hampshire Record Office, MS 8M62/14 f. 269r (March 1792).

63. A. Lefroy (20 July 1869), National Portrait Gallery Archive, cyt. za: D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 21.

64. Hampshire Record Office, MS 23M93/85/2.

65. The Poetry of Jane Austen and the Austen Family, pod red. D. Selwyna, Iowa City 1997, s. 28.

66. A. Lefroy, National Portrait Gallery Archive, cyt. za: D. Le Faye, Jane Austen: A Family Record, 2004, s. 21.

67. Tamże.

68. J.E. Austen-Leigh: A Memoir of Jane Austen and Other Family Recollections, pod red. K. Sutherland, Oxford 2002, s. 23.

69. R. A. Austen-Leigh, Austen Papers, 1704–1856, Colchester 1942, s. 24–6, listy od pani Austen do pani Walter, Steventon (26 August 1770).

70. R. A. Austen-Leigh, Austen Papers, 1704–1856, Colchester 1942, s. 72, listy od Tysoe’a Saula Hancocka do żony Philadelphi Austen Hancock, Calcutta (9 August 1773).

Jane Austen w domu

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