Читать книгу 19 Ways to Survive in a Tough Economy - Lynn Spry - Страница 34

4.2 Reduce benefits


Many companies, when they are profitable, share wealth by offering employees more benefits. However, during difficult markets, occasionally benefits may need to be trimmed to continue to stay competitive.

Health-care plans are an area that you may want to review. Health-care coverage and premiums are constantly changing. Furthermore, regulations around health-care options are also changing dramatically. Reduce your health-care employee expenses by shopping around, comparing benefits and costs.

In some cases, small-business owners may find that it is better for their employees if the company drops their medical plan and switches to a medical reimbursement plan. Although this may sound unusual, for many this will reduce the company’s costs and improve the employees’ medical options. (For more creative health-care alternatives for Americans, read The New Health Insurance Solution, by Paul Zane Pilzer.)

19 Ways to Survive in a Tough Economy

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