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—— CHAPTER 7 —— A Surefire Scheme


Big rain drops splashed down on the girls as they motored ahead in Nancy’s shiny craft, the Swift Sleuth, through the white-capped waters of Lake Merrimen toward the rocky spire jutting out of the middle of the deep lake. The small island was only twenty feet in diameter, but afforded visitors a clear panorama of the full splendor of the lake. Nancy was eager to show Cherry every bit of the lovely landscape, knowing how the girl adored nature and all its breathtaking views.

“Drat!” Nancy cried aloud. “I can’t believe we’ve hit bad weather. Just an hour ago, the sky was clear and the clouds were big and white and puffy. Why, there wasn’t a nimbostratus for miles!” They had missed their chance to boat in calm waters all because they couldn’t agree on the seating arrangement in the car!

“How disappointing,” Nancy wailed. “This day is not turning out at all the way I had planned!”

Cherry covered her hairdo with a portable rain bonnet, and Midge constructed a hasty umbrella for Velma from that day’s newspaper. “Shouldn’t we turn back?” Jackie wondered when she realized Cherry was beginning to shiver.

“We’re almost there,” Nancy insisted as she tied her chiffon scarf tighter around her hair, and put on some speed. She handed her binoculars to Cherry and said, “Take a look. Isn’t it a charming little island?”

Cherry peered at the rocky mound. “Nancy, now that we’re closer, I can see that those buoys surrounding Treasure Island are covered with signs,” Cherry noticed. “Keep Out By Order of Judge Meeks,” she read. Just then, the boat was hit with a rush of cold air—a sure sign that a thunderstorm was not far off!

“We really should go back,” Cherry urged. “Storms are the most dangerous of all weather phenomena, and a small boat in choppy water is no place for five girls in lightweight summer clothes!”

After a flash of lightning to the west, Nancy began counting. “One-thousand-and-one, one-thousand-and-two, one-thousand-and—” but before she could go any further, they heard a clap of thunder. “Light travels at about one hundred eighty-six thousand miles per second and sound at about one thousand one hundred feet per second,” Nancy figured aloud. “So if I’m calculating correctly, this storm is less than a mile away!” She quickly turned the craft around and sped for shore.

Nancy kept the boat on an even keel and they made it to the dock just as mighty bolts of lightning began striking down on the lake.

“To the car,” Cherry cried, knowing that the metal body would shield them from danger. They hopped inside Nancy’s convertible and put up the top just as it began to rain in earnest.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” Nancy grumbled as she used her hankie to dry her new cotton navy dotted-swiss culottes, which showed off her blue eyes to their best advantage. In her white straw purse was her yellow polished cotton swimsuit with its built-in panty and bra, but it would see no wear today. “Another chance for romance ruined; another outfit mussed beyond repair!” she thought in distress.

Nancy had to blink fast to keep hot tears from spilling down her cheeks. Luckily she was wearing her new smart Caribbean-style sunglasses with dark green lenses that hid her teary eyes.

Nancy started the car and headed for home. That afternoon had been a disaster, romantically speaking, but the day wasn’t over! She schemed as she steered the car over the damp streets, occasionally glancing in the rear view mirror, which gave her an excellent view of the back seat. Somehow, in their mad scramble to get to safety, Jackie and Cherry had ended up alone in the back seat! Nancy almost ran off the road when she saw Jackie lean over and whisper something in Cherry’s ear.

“Oops!” Nancy cried as she hurriedly straightened the wheel. “I must have hit a wet patch,” she explained. She gripped the wheel and made herself concentrate on the road ahead. “As soon as I get Cherry alone, I’ll ask her to spend the evening with me. I just know if I can get her away from Jackie long enough, I can make her fall for me again!”

A Ghost In The Closet

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