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—— CHAPTER 8 —— A Romantic Rendezvous


“—then we’ll be served the most delicious meal consisting of pioneer stew, soup, green salad with special dressing, homemade hot rolls and boysenberry jam, sherbet appetizer, green vegetable and coffee, baked or French fried potatoes,” Nancy told Cherry excitedly. “And after supper, we’ll gather round the camp fire and sing old pioneer songs with Bud and his guitar or sit in covered wagons and listen to tales of long ago as told by old-timers!” Nancy’s eyes sparkled in excitement as she described the delightful evening ahead. She knew, too, exactly what she would wear—a bewitching new rayon crepe paisley print pouf skirt paired with an off-the-shoulder blouse and sophisticated flats. A velvet ribbon in her pert ponytail would complete the picture.

“It sounds like a magical evening,” Cherry admitted, then added ruefully, “but I’m afraid I’m all booked up for tonight.”

Nancy was stunned, but before she could say anything the doorbell rang. “Flowers for a Miss Cherry Aimless,” the lad said as Nancy flung open the front door.

“I’m a Miss Cherry Aimless; they must be for me!” Cherry exclaimed. “Golly, no one’s ever sent me flowers before,” she cried as she raced to the door to accept the square white box. She was so excited she almost forgot to tip the delivery fellow!

Cherry put the box on the coffee table and, with shaky hands, opened the lid. Inside was one perfect white gardenia and a little card.

To the greatest girl ever. See you at seven. J.

“This is my first corsage!” Cherry cried aloud, but she was talking to herself for Nancy had fled the room. Cherry was too starry-eyed to notice. Why, when Jackie had asked her to accompany her out this evening, Cherry had assumed she would merely throw a sweater over her day frock and stroll to a nearby diner for a hamburger and a thick shake, perhaps to be followed by a picture show. Now she knew why Jackie had spent the supper hour tinkering with George’s old jalopy—they were going on a car date!

Cherry took the delicate bloom from the box and held it to her bosom. “I’ll need something nicer than this rumpled cotton dress to pin this lovely corsage to!” she realized. “And I’ll have to bathe and fix my hair and polish my nails and find fresh stockings to don and—oh!” she cried when she checked her sturdy nurse’s watch. “It’s already after six!”

Cherry ran to the kitchen and put her corsage on the second shelf of the Frigidaire, next to a yummy-looking gelatin mold, then raced upstairs. “Velma will advise me, and maybe even let me borrow her sophisticated black chiffon siren sheath, too,” Cherry hoped. If she was to be ready in time—and be the kind of girl deserving of that gardenia—she’d need an expert’s help!

She took the stairs two at a time, raced down the hall and burst into Midge and Velma’s room, forgetting in her haste that unannounced entrances into other’s bedchambers can be startling affairs indeed! Midge was so surprised she flung herself off Velma and went crashing to the floor.

“You’re not hurt, are you Midge?” Cherry asked.

“I’m fine,” Midge gasped.

“Good,” Cherry said. This was no time to have an accident! “Velma, I need your help, and quick! I’m going on a real date tonight, and I haven’t a thing to wear that Jackie hasn’t already seen me in! May I borrow your best frock?” she begged. “I promise I won’t get anything on it!” Cherry plopped down on the bed, threw up her arms in alarm and confessed, “I don’t know how to act or what to expect. I’ve never been alone with Jackie before—what if I can’t think of anything to say? Oh, why didn’t I listen when my mother gave me her fifty-three tips for successful dating?”

Velma smiled and smoothed her skirt down over her thighs. “I can help you in the outfit department and do something a little more dramatic with your hair if you like,” she promised. “As for advice, mine is just to be yourself. Jackie is already crazy about you; anything you do will be the right thing.” She turned to her mate lying on the floor. “Midge, do you have any dating tips for Cherry?”

Midge got up off the floor, smoothed her hair and took a cigarette from the pack on the night stand. “Always remember to lock the door,” she grumbled.

A Ghost In The Closet

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