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Air Castles


In the Light of the Rays of this Sun, Princess Sonya, the sleepiest of Princesses, the most fragile, dreamy proud girl – spent more than half her life asleep.

When the hustle and bustle was behind her and the Princess family moved into the new Castle – Sonya was herself again. Her wonderful eyes once again shone with their special, inherently her own sparks of joy.

Life slowly went back to normal. The Princess’s usual activities and favorite things were back. Again whipping a pile of pillows, she drowned in them. Started to sail on the Air Brigantine on white waves of clouds. Walked through the Air Castles of the Kingdom of Dreams, playing Cloud Snowballs.

Due to the recent events of the move, she began to dream about castles. One day at an open window, spreading the blue of the sky, where she fell asleep in a soft armchair to the singing of the birds, holding the hand of her beloved papa. Somebody (Cineva, Cineva), nobody knows who, always appearing out of the blue and scattering stars on the Night Sky and the Lights of the Big City with Amazing Ornaments, set the Princess on the Earth with an Air Staircase. It went somewhere in the distance, high up in the sky, so that Sonyechka had to lift her pretty head very high to see what it ended at the top.

And then, at the top of the Sky, the Princess saw: the Air Castle. Amazing and majestic! Its gates were wide open, inviting the Princess to make an interesting Adventure. Climbing the stairs Sofia found herself in a large hall of the Air Castle, the ceiling of which was supported by cloud columns. Pretty little leg of the Princess up to her ankles sank in a gentle cloud. Pleasant to the touch in every way! Above her head the birds were chirping, folding songs of Happiness. On the walls, between the big round windows where the Sky was reflected, hung pictures of amazing beauty on which were images of clouds of unimaginable shapes that merged into one, well recognizable: a bouquet of flowers, or a cute dog, or something else.

The walls of the Air Castle were colored with sunlight and gilded with precious dust. Wonderfully shimmering and sparkling with luxury and wealth. In large golden tubs at the entrance and all over the castle were golden roses. Nightingales especially loved them, hiding between the leaves and buds. All other objects were of pure gold or clouds. The finest weave of gold lace adorned the pillars with bouquets of golden forget-me-nots in gold embossed vases, gold covers were carelessly thrown over soft airy chairs, and gold curtains were tied with lush gold bows.

It seemed as if no one lived in the Air Castle. However, none of this was true! Its owner, being a very busy, businesslike gentleman who loves to travel. Anyway, he did visit his Air Castle quite often. In his remaining time, he asked Mr. Somebody to look after them, and allowed excursions. He was quite satisfied with such a state of affairs, and there were plenty of people willing to pay quite a lot of money for Air Beauty.

One of the reasons why Sonya was gallantly met at the exit by Somebody who gave her a hand. As soon as the princess’s feet touched the first step of the Air Staircase, the Air Castle melted into thin air as the princess looked away. Running down the steps, melting into the air one by one, Sophia stumbled and… fell into the Cloud! Where, as well, an Air Staircase was carefully attached – to another Cloud. Running down ladders from Cloud to Cloud she found herself at the bottom.

The walk on the Clouds was a success! The princess was pleased. For a long time she remembered the details, telling papa about what Cloud felt like: it looked like soft, cool absorbent cotton or like a small, fluffy white dog. The ones that were like whipped dough rolled perfectly into balls. You could play snowballs with them. And take a couple with you as a souvenir!

On holidays, when guests would gather, Sonyechka would take out from the crystal Jewelry Box in the sideboard the snowballs wrapped in an openwork napkin…Cloudy Snowballs! Everyone gasped and grabbed their heads, carefully, a little fearfully, trying to touch the weightless ball. Satisfied with the treasure, Sonyechka smiled, letting me examine the curiosity and turn it in my hands. However, after one Prince tried to throw an air snowball at the New Year’s table at the Princess, Sonya stopped showing her treasure. The box then got dusty somewhere, and then got lost altogether.

Dreams of Princess Sonya. Fairy tales

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