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Golden Flower


In the Light of the Rays of the Sun dreams are different: magical and not so magical, beautiful and horrible, alien, golden, light, airy as smoke, flying like birds into the blue-blue sky, charming, wonderful, or… about the Golden Flower!

That Princess Sonya dreamed of one May spring. When the fragrance of blossoming apples and cherry blossoms – There’s nowhere to escape. The sidewalks and rooftops are covered with it, and it seems as if it’s snowing with flowers. If you don’t know there is no such thing, you might well believe it. A simple lilac bush behind someone’s fence in May will outdo, with ease, any Coco Chanel! The cherry tree is already filling up with juicy berries. Snowdrops and violets are inaccessible. It seems there is nothing more to desire in this abundance.

Sonyechka fell asleep quickly. And she had this extraordinary dream. She dreamt of a large Golden Flower. Its bud was as big as the Princess herself. All pure gold! Each petal was airy, almost weightless, alive, shining from the Sunbeams. Glittering so brightly that even in her sleep Sonya squeezed her big, beautiful eyes the color of the Sky.

In the middle of the Golden Flower were pretty little stamens, curling openwork into large and other curls. The leaves fluttered as if in the wind. Dewdrops could be seen on some. But it was not dew at all, but precious jewels, scattered by some foolish rich man! They were worth a fortune! Some were real diamonds, and others were crystal-blue topazes, reflecting the Blue of Heaven.

Sonja had never seen such beauty before! As she approached the Golden Flower closer, she felt a wonderful fragrance, comparable to the finest perfumes in the world. All worries and sorrows, all bad things receded at that moment and were forgotten forever. Sonyechka’s legs lifted off the ground by themselves and she flew away, together with sparrows carrying miniature golden flowers in their beaks. And then a butterfly flew up to her and sat on her shoulder. It quietly folded its big, beautiful, with gilding and bright spots of all known and unknown colors – wings and sat still. Everything around was wonderful and magical.

Sonyechka wanted to think of everything wonderful, as wonderful as everything around her! She remembered her most cherished dream, and it immediately came true. Then another one came true.

All night Princess Sonya made wishes, and they came true. Waking up in the morning the happiest of Princesses, still sleepy and half-asleep in the last of the moments of sleep she managed to remember what else she dreamed. And she woke up! The most cherished thing she wanted was very near. Not in a dream, but in reality. She had only to stretch out her hand.

Next to her, on a velvet pillow, lay the Golden Flower, fulfilling all her dreams.

Dreams of Princess Sonya. Fairy tales

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