Читать книгу A Consultant Claims His Bride - Maggie Kingsley - Страница 2

His mouth twisted into something not quite a smile. “Are we still friends, Nell?”


“Of course, we are,” she insisted. “You’re my pal, my best mate.”

Oh, hell.

Deep breaths, Nell. Take deep breaths. True, your heart is thudding like it’s about to explode, but don’t say anything rash because if you’ve got this wrong, if you’ve misunderstood him, you are going to look really, really stupid.

“Jonah, I…” She moistened her lips. “When you say that you wish you were, do you mean that you wish…that you…that…?”

He put down his teacup. “Nell, I’ve always been lousy with words so maybe…” He reached out and cupped her face gently with his hand. “Maybe this might make it clearer?”

Oh, hell. Oh, double, triple hell. His eyes were dark and hot, and he wasn’t doing anything, simply cupping her cheek gently with his fingers. She knew he was giving her plenty of time to back away, plenty of time to get to her feet, but she didn’t want to back away, and she didn’t want to get to her feet.


So much conveyed in one little word. So much implied, and asked, and understood. And though a niggling little voice whispered at the back of her mind that this was a very bad idea, the hand cupping her cheek was trembling, and so was she. Nell wanted so much to kiss him, to know what it would feel like, so when his lips came slowly toward hers, she leaned forward to meet them without any hesitation at all.

A Consultant Claims His Bride

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