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Dear Reader,

I’m always being asked where I get my characters from, and the truth is I don’t know! My characters usually just creep into my mind when I’m doing the most ordinary of things, like washing the dishes, driving to the shops or even peeling a batch of potatoes. Jonah and Nell were different. When I was writing The Good Father I became so fond of Jonah and Nell that I knew I had to tell their story. The trouble was that although Jonah was a terrific neonatal-intensive-care-unit doctor, he was also a nice, ordinary man, and nice, ordinary men don’t make good heroes, do they? And then I thought, why couldn’t a nice, ordinary man be heroic? After all, in a crisis situation, it’s often the ordinary Joe—or in this case, the ordinary Jonah—who surprises everybody. So I set out to show that Jonah had hidden depths, and, more important, to make sure that Nell finally saw them, which was trickier to achieve. I hope I succeeded. They’ve become two of my favorite people, and I hope you like them, too!


A Consultant Claims His Bride

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