Читать книгу To Trust or Not To Trust - Love's Labours Lost. A Sad Family Story - Manny & Brigitta Davidson - Страница 6

Why This Story Needs to be Told


This is one of the most unusual projects I have ever been involved with because it is a story the authors never wanted to write.

It is also a story that, whenever I talk about it to friends and associates, leaves people shaking their heads in disbelief.

Manny and Brigitta Davidson are one of the most remarkable couples I have had the privilege to meet. They built a business empire from nothing, having survived the terrible Blitz on London during the Second World War. Their parents strived to keep their heads above water and gave their children a future in which to prosper.

Manny and Brigitta’s two children have lived altogether different lives. Charmed lives, some might say.

The Davidsons’ business did so well that their offspring went to the finest schools, enjoyed luxury holidays and lived in beautiful homes here and abroad.

The Davidsons set up a trust fund for their two children with two purposes. Firstly, to provide generous incomes for them, and it is currently delivering approximately £20 million a year.

The second purpose was to protect the family’s wealth for future benefit, not only for their children and further generations, but also for those less fortunate than themselves.

Sadly, their children could not wait any longer before laying claim to all that which their parents had provided, and they seized control in a cruel and punishing way.

How could they do this? You don’t believe it? Read on...


To Trust or Not To Trust - Love's Labours Lost. A Sad Family Story

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