Читать книгу Stop Playing Safe - Margie Warrell - Страница 18



Knowing your strengths and where you can add the most value — through the application of your education, skills, knowledge and experience — can help you focus on the opportunities, roles and career paths where you are most likely to succeed and therefore find the greatest sense of accomplishment and contribution.

Too often we undervalue the expertise we naturally acquire over time. If you reframe the concept of adding value through the lens of ‘problem solving’, you can home in on where you can make the greatest impact for others — whether by offering solutions to problems or finding better ways to fulfil unmet needs (or, as Steve Jobs did, inventing technology that fills needs people didn't even know they had!).

It was this exercise that inspired me to start running my public Live Brave programs and women’s retreats (though with dancing and champagne, the word ‘retreat’ is probably not the best descriptor). While there are many great women's leadership and personal development programs available for people to attend all over the world, I just knew I could make a meaningful impact in an immersive program. I didn't do any market research; I just dived in. Following my intuition proved a good decision. Following yours will too.

Stop Playing Safe

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