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Some can afford to give up the security of a salary to pursue a passion that doesn't pay (or at least not enough, soon enough). Many can't. But following the money and following your heart don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Chances are you have other values to consider — like giving your kids a great education or paying your mortgage — that prevent you from going full-time on something you're passionate about. But that doesn't mean you cannot still infuse your passion into your life in some way. Or that you can't treat it as a ‘side hustle’ in the shorter term while you get your financial house in order to fund the shortfall if you were to transition to it full time.

In the meantime, there is nothing stopping you from bringing more passion to what you do right now. While your current job may be a ‘means to an end’, all work holds intrinsic value. So if you can't change what you're doing anytime soon, change how you're doing it. By shifting the frame in which you view your current role, you can profoundly shift your experience of it. Doing so enables you to be the kind of person others want to be around. That in itself is meaningful.

You don't have to be on course to becoming a Nobel Laureate to be living a noble life. What you do each day doesn't matter near as much as how you do it — the attitude you bring and the energy you spread. In thinking about how you can make a bigger difference, don't ignore the small daily differences you can make which, over time, add up to big ones.

In my podcast conversation with Alicia Tillman, Chief Marketing Officer at SAP, she shared how when she's facing a decision she will often put herself in the shoes of her ‘future self’ and ask herself, ‘What would my future self want me to do right now?’ Her answers reflect her deepest values, but also tap into her courage. She said this technique has never failed to move her forward.

Bold action can reshape your life, but unless it's guided by a clear sense of purpose, it can steer your life in a direction that leaves you wanting for something more. Much more. Simply committing yourself to contemplating the question, ‘For the sake of what?’ will not only embolden you to do more than you have until now, but will help you rise stronger from the challenges that unfold along the way. (If you haven't had one lately, it's coming.)

Stop Playing Safe

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